- Return Manhattan and nearly all the US land to the few remaining natives that the US did not manage to genocide.
- Return Alaska to Ruzzia.
- Return half of Texas and New Mexico to Mexico.
- Return the Lousiana, Mississipi, Missouri and other bits to their legitimate owner: France.
- Return California and large chunks of New Mexico and Texas to Spain.
I don't know whether this is a political coincidence or not, but I recall one of the first geopolitical conflicts Nazi Germany get into once Hitler rose to power was the attempt to claim territories from Poland which were once under German control (previous to the start of World War I), when Germany was know as German Empire.
If I recall correctly, such pressure campaign was successful and become one of the first territories annexed to the Third Reich under Hitler leadership.
What has sparked Trump desire to take back ones of the most important assets a country like Panama could have ? and how far is the willing to go to take it back?
An actual invasion against Panama would be madness, specially because we are not back in the era when USA had black checks to invade countries in America at their will and whim...
Again, it would only be the US cancelling the treaty for Panama lands that the US made productive for the world... and then enforcing the cancellation if necessary.