Low fees and blazing-fast order execution times is what makes PancakeSwap superior than Uniswap. User experience is what matters most in order to help boost adoption of crypto/Blockchain tech. People don't care about centralization as long as they're able to use a platform with ease. A high-performance AMM like PancakeSwap should attract more people into Binance Smart Chain. Ethereum better watch out, as BSC becomes a force to reckon with. At the time of this writing, Binance Coin is the third-largest cryptocurrency by market cap. It may be centralized, but adoption is growing like crazy. In a time where convenience/ease-of-use matters most, PancakeSwap proves to be the winner.
Of course, no other platform can match Uniswap in terms of liquidity and decentralization. This could be the reason why it's still the most popular AMM platform even with high fees and slow transaction processing times in play. It's no secret that the Ethereum blockchain has the most tokens on the market. Uniswap has benefited from ETH's massive adoption in the mainstream world, with a wide array of tokens to choose from. With V3 just around the corner, things will get interesting for Uniswap in the long run. Only time will tell us which platform will survive in a highly-competitive industry. Whenever it'll be Uniswap, PancakeSwap, or both, that's up to people to decide. Just my opinion