I don't usually criticize articles like this because they are normally the predictable FUD, but this one struck me with an important distinction. This one had some good thoughts, it just hits a wall in trying to make a paradigm shift. He starts off with seeing the inevitable failure of banks and that they may devolve back into what they were originally intended. He mentions a national bitcoin database which I presume is the public ledger. No interest is paid on bitcoin. Well, no interest is paid on cash either, so I don't know where this comes from. Good so far. Then he just goes into a rant.
- You are tattooed (metaphorically speaking) with a bitcoin address. Huh? I'll try to get one with 666.
- You must invest your money. Why not just save it and let deflation make it's value grow?
- Government creates bitcoins to spend as needed. Government spends what it wants and automatically destroys your bitcoins to cover it.
Historically, currency changes happen swiftly.