proof-of-work found
hash: 00000000502cfb2f4k39f1d672ff60cab179b8c91c95fe6d4d9dce490a8e1234
target: 00000000ffff0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
CBlock(hash=00000000502cfb2f4k39 received getdata for: block 00000000502cfb2f4k39, ver=2, hashPrevBlock=000000008efd2a2075c9, hashMerkleRoot=cae3a8d5d1, nTime=1355478291, nBits=1d00ffff, nNonce=119890730, vtx=1)
CTransaction(hash=cae3a8d5d1, ver=1, vin.size=1, vout.size=1, nLockTime=0)
CTxIn(COutPoint(0000000000, 4294967295), coinbase 03b39b00010e062f5032531234)
CTxOut(nValue=50.00000000, scriptPubKey=F4K372826fe94305e81a34e34ea316)
vMerkleTree: cae3a8d5d1
generated 50.00
keypool keep 6
AddToWallet cae3a8d5d1 new
NotifyTransactionChanged F4k3a8d5d1feb8e058ddf4a30d021a9f1f85775b474456f4d6b595ffd832b7f3 status=0
updateWallet F4K3a8d5d1feb8e058ddf4a30d021a9f1f85775b474456f4d6b595ffd832b7f3 0
inWallet=1 inModel=0 Index=0-0 showTransaction=0 derivedStatus=0
SetBestChain: new best=00000000502cfb2f4k39 height=39859 work=4384611713659391 date=11/23/2013 16:44:51
ProcessBlock: ACCEPTED
CreateNewBlock(): total size 1000
Running PaperMiner with 1 transactions in block (189 bytes)
CreateNewBlock(): total size 1000
Running PaperMiner with 1 transactions in block (189 bytes)
CreateNewBlock(): total size 1000
Running PaperMiner with 1 transactions in block (189 bytes)
CreateNewBlock(): total size 1000
Running PaperMiner with 1 transactions in block (189 bytes)
keypool added key 110, size=101
connection timeout
keypool reserve 10
CreateNewBlock(): total size 1000
Running PaperMiner with 1 transactions in block (189 bytes)
CreateNewBlock(): total size 1000
Running PaperMiner with 1 transactions in block (189 bytes)
CreateNewBlock(): total size 1000
Running PaperMiner with 1 transactions in block (189 bytes)
CreateNewBlock(): total size 1000
Running PaperMiner with 1 transactions in block (189 bytes)
received getdata for: block 00000000502cfb2f4k39
received getdata for: block 00000000502cfb2f4k39
received getdata for: block 00000000502cfb2f4k39
received getdata for: block 00000000502cfb2f4k39
received getdata for: block 00000000502cfb2f4k39
received getdata for: block 00000000502cfb2f4k39
received getdata for: block 00000000502cfb2f4k39
received getdata for: block 00000000502cfb2f4k39
received getdata for: block 00000000502cfb2f4k39
received getdata for: block 00000000502cfb2f4k39