
Topic: parodic interview of Vivien Berriche, the CTO of PoissonCoin Foundation (Read 121 times)

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The parodic interview of Vivien Berriche, the CTO of PoissonCoin Foundation is a satire of the cryptocurrencies' world.

The journalist is Antonio Marandino, specialized in French Tech.

Vivien Berriche, a pataphysical cryptographer, explains the features of PoissonCoin.

The video is available on YouTube :


– Hello Vivien Berriche. You are the CTO of PoissonCoin Foundation. PoissonCoin is a new cryptocurrency You say about it that it will disrupt the scientific community and the crypto-sphere. But... there are already more than two thousands cryptocurrencies yet. What's the difference between PoissonCoin and the others?

– Well... First of all, PoissonCoin comes from the latest advanced research in pataphysics. PoissonCoin is an independent cryptocurrency with its own blockchain. It’s not some kind of ERC20 token. Blockchain is centralized and uses a CSV format. Last but not least. We implement the new cryptographic algorithm developed by team, the ROT29.

– Okay. Your ICO is starting on April 1st. The distribution of tokens follows the mathematical Poisson distribution. That’s not common. Why have you made this choice?

– There are several reasons for that. In mathematics, Poisson distribution is a kind of exponential distribution. Practically, it means that the sooner people buy, the more the currency will gain value. Our goal is to make people buy PoissonCoins quickly and without thinking too much. It’s a marketing strategy called “spread a FOMO”. Secondly, we assumed that in the real world, richest 1% own But in the world of bitcoin, 1% of the richest adresses only own 30% of the supply. The goal of PoissonCoin is to catch up and fit to the real world’s statistics. And maybe to improve the situation of the 1%.

– Wow! Just to be sure. Do you want to create a cryptocurrency with more inequalities than bitcoin? Are you explaining that?

– Yes exactly. It’s the basic principle of capitalism.

– But is it good?

– If it’s good? I’m wondering why you are speaking about the philosophy of the good and the bad. That’s just how the system works. Read Thomas Piketty. He has made a right analysis about that. I have studied at a business school. I have learned the capitalist model. I’m reproducing the capitalist model. I’m not trying to reinvent the wheel. Why should I reinvent the wheel?

– I want to ask you something. It’s a bit polemical. About ROT29 and its security. You seem not to being confortable with that.

– I'm feeling confortable.

– Don't be upset.

– I'm feeling okay, no worries. Just tell your question.

– Is the ROT29 algorithm secure? I will answer your question. But I want to tell you something important before that. The RSA cryptosystem… Let’s speak about the RSA, the most frequent cryptosystem used on the Internet. RSA bases its security on factorization of semiprime numbers. A lot of developers use RSA but just a few know about that. Well. Mr Marandino. I wait for an academic paper which proves that the factorization of a semiprime number is computationally difficult enough. To say it in easiest words, show me an academic paper which really prove the security of the RSA algorithm. Well. You won’t find any! So, Mr Marandino. What’s your conclusion about that? When we look at our bank accounts on the internet, are we giving our passwords to anyone? Of course not! It’s not like that. You know it perfectly. So, just be reasonable in your questions.

– Mr Berriche. I was not speaking about the RSA. I was asking about your algorithm, the ROT 29. You are trying to confuse us!

– No. But you try to confuse PoissonCoin. That’s not fair and you are not neutral. So, I will ask you in the same way for ROT29. Mr Marandino. Show me an academic paper, any serious work, which describes an vulnerability in ROT29 protocol. A paper in SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, an article in Science Magazine, an archive of the DBLP... Show me a serious work about a ROT29 weakness and we can speak about it. Well. I have to confess. If one day, there is a quantum computer, it will threaten the security of ROT29. Okay. But, if the quantum computer will ever exist, it’s the end of the security for RSA, for ECDSA and cryptocurrencies will no longer exist. You will agree that it’s not the current situation.

– According to you, hackers have no tools to attack ROT29, that’s correct?

– Please, stop it… You can elaborate a theory with reptilian mathematicians from the NSA, developing extraordinary hacking tools and nobody knows about that. I can’t answer such a theory. Because it’s just a conspiracy theory! a conspiracy theory! I’m a rational person, interested in real facts. What happen in the real world? Kali Linux... Reality is: script kiddies who use Kali Linux. Make you own researchs on the packages of Kali Linux. Please, take your smartphone and do it. Just try to find any package attacking ROT29 and you will have your answer. In Kali Linux, there are no tools to attack the ROT29 protocol.

– Vivien Berriche, thank you for having answered my question.

– I wish you success.

– Thanks. Have a nice day.

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