Explorer: https://etherscan.io/token/0xb12e488B968Fbf7A2E942F918e31EEa4f49FC7A8
Hello bitcointalk community users
ParsBit Iranian Digital Currency with the symbol PARS with a Total
supply of 21,000,000, which is also the number of kings of Bitcoin digital
currencies and can be installed and transferred in a variety of reputable
and international digital currency wallets. And it can be exchanged in the
best international digital currency exchanges, it can be transferred with
high security on the bed of powerful and invaluable ethereum blockchain
chains. ParsBit for transferring and transferring millions of dollars of
Iranian capital around the world in just a few seconds and without the
need for sanctioned bank intermediaries with very low fees below one
dollar, just a few cents and installing digital currency wallets mentioned
on mobile Both sides of the deal. From the very beginning of human life
and the use of tools or commodities, human trading systems have
evolved from one to the other, with the advancement of technology from
its original form, which was very large in size, to its smaller and facilitated
dimensions. To make the use of these trading systems easy, until the
beginning of the twentieth century and the beginning of the revolution,
the communications of the transfer of assets by the electronic and
Internet systems entered a new and emerging era, but still with many
security problems and different banking rules. Different countries were
faced with the need for a third centralized system to transfer assets
between traders, which, with its sophisticated rules and regulations,
What is ParsBit supposed to
do in the future? Imagine all the different deals that happen in everyday
life, buying or selling a car, renting an apartment, buying a ticket to the
World Cup final, they all involve trusting your money and information,
which Pars Bit solves. Slow means that there is a lot of potential for the
future. Door locks, refrigerators, stoves, lamps, boilers, and televisions
are all connected to the Internet, and they all need to run, which is called
the Internet of Things, which with We enjoy technology safely and with
clear and digital instructions. Now imagine a world that has blockchain
technology and automatically guides those transactions and technologies,
while an unbroken record of all of this is forever recorded on the Internet.
At the beginning of this Whitepaper, we asked, What is Pars Bit? Well, the
real answer is, ParsBit is anything you want technology to be in the future.
So, get started, learn how to work with ParsBit and think big. The future
begins now!