They pretend to have a license, but its their own fake website, completely copied and frauded illegally!
They Photoshopped a fake, non existing license. You can get into jail for this kind of fraud.
If you are supporting and wearing their signature, you are guilty as well!
You can check my post here. The fact that they did not reply anymore in this topic, says enough.
I am putting you on ignore, Did you check my post?
Do you really think people are stupid? You occasionally run the campaign for them as manager.
The truth is that you are part of their scam team, or hired by them to make some money. And people will do anything for money, usually.
So my theory is that you are hired to post a fake conversation between you and the "Minsterio". Which is absolutely a fake screenshot.
First create a fake website, create a fake gambling license and now create a fake conversation! 3 in a row.
So the only thing so far is clear, is that you are part of their team, and it was not a coincidence you were the campaign manager.
How obvious. Stop with your circus, the game is over and stop with your fraudulent activities.
I am not a gambler, but I think I could make some money if I would bet that Mr. "Murat" is the owner of ""
Since a real trustworthy campaign manager would never fake a conversation and photoshop it.
Most probably the faked license and the faked fake government site from Costa Rica is also the work from Murat.
Probably a bought account maybe or hired.