Apparently, regardless of whether the seller you're dealing with ask for an ID or not, you will still
have to provide your info for the Paxful.
Paxful has implemented a global verification process which requires users around the world who reach an equivalent of $1,500 in trade volume or wallet activity to verify their accounts through ID verification.
Just thought about sharing this so no one finds himself in a bad situation where he is forced to give his info in order to get his money. I know that I'm not willing to do any KYC so for those who are in the same boat as me, I would suggest sticking to the forums for trading or Bisq.
They seem to be going down the same path as what Localbitcoins has done.
Though, localbitcoins seem to be focusing on the eligibility of people who want to create advertisements, while paxful is just imposing a universal ban. Does that mean that you are still able to list your own advertisements on paxful up to this certain threshold for your trade volume?
It's certainly a hit, since the two most commonly used alternatives to traditional exchanges for p2p trading both now have fairly stricter KYC procedures. It's inevitable, but perhaps it is time to seek alternatives in decentralised exchanges. On forum trading is possible, but I still don't see enough low spread buyers/sellers to make it worthwhile.