is a 100W monocrystalline solar panel. it is 45 x 26 inches and costs $339 without any accompanying batteries, power conditioners or other necessary devices.
A single 4x5830 mining rig costs consumes about 1,000 watts which means you'd need ten of these to power a single rig.
Aside from requiring an absurd amount of space, that means you'd be paying $3,390 for the solar panels alone if you only mine during the day. If you mine at night, you'll need twice as many panels ($6,780) and enough batteries to store about 2,000 amp-hours of electricity. A decent car battery holds about 40 AH and will run you a bit over $100, which means you'd need 50 such batteries at $100 apiece = $5,000 worth of batteries. Ignoring the cost of the necessary electronics, mounting equipment and labor to make all these things work together, you're up to $11,780 so far.
Here in Las Vegas, electricity costs $0.1128 per kW/H. That quad 5830 rig would cost me ~$2.70 per day to run. In order to recoup your investment here in electricity costs you'd have to run that rig for ~4,363 days or a bit under 12 years. You'd also need about an eleven by fifteen foot (3.3 x 4.5 meter) patch of roof/land/etc. to lay out all 20 panels on as well as a large ventilated space for your 50 car batteries - they vent flammable hydrogen gas as they charge so they need lots of air movement for that many.
So yes, for about $12,000 plus the cost of the hardware, 150 square feet of space, probably several days of setup time, perhaps hiring an electrical contractor and having to deal with flammable/explosive gases you too can be the proud owner of a completely self-sustaining 880 MH/s rig. Yippee. Oh wait, I forgot to include the cost of cooling