standard ECDSA [...] forged by Alice signature [...] on a different public key Q' which is a known multiple c=r'/r of Q: Q'=cQ. The ECDSA signature is (r,s), and the chameleon hash is (r,s,c).
[...] dispute Alice shows c [...] anyone can check r,s is a signature of m with public key Q'=cQ.
To forge different hashes Bob finds m' and Q" such that sR=?H(m')*G+rQ" so he has to find Q" such that H(m)*G+rQ'=H(m')*G+rQ" and as he knows d this can be written [H(m)+dr'/r]*G = [H(m')+dc"]*G where Q"=c"Q. [...]
[Bob forging leaks d...] However [...] to fix [...] prove knowledge of a discrete log of Q" or Q' in base Q using... an ECDSA signature with base Q and public key Q" or Q' respectively.
[Difference ...] Alice can reveal c also to create a strong proof (where a signature involving c but not disclosing c is a weak proof) and it can be seen that it does not solve to d.
Bob could be coerced into proving that a forgery he makes is not authentic, by showing c" (instead of a DL proof of knowledge of c") which then allows his private key to be recovered. However Alice doesnt give Bob c, so Bob cant prove that Alice's message was not his, he could be lieing and actually have c.
There is a flaw in the logic in the last para. If Bob is coerced into revealing c" and hence d is recovered (or he is coerced to reveal d directly), then anyone can do n^2 analysis of the n signatures (one real and n-1 forged) pairwise and see that all the forgeries derive from Alice's deterministically with the private key, but Alice's key cant be derived from any, and hence Alice's is correct. Also Bob's only deterence to doing that at any time without coercion is revealing his private key. The root cause of the failure is there is no new randomness in the process of forging chameleon hashes by Bob.
To the extent its still interesting if we change this much more, I think that might be repairable by having Alice not publish s (send it out of band to Bob, dont commit to it in the spend). Then the chameleon hash becomes (r,c). Alice cant find a different s that signs commits to a different message because she doesnt know d. And Bob can recover k as sR=H(m)G+rcQ => sk=H(m)+rd so k = s^-1(H(m)+rd), and armed with k Bob can create s' for any signature. Whats more this time those are all symmetric. With d he can as plausibly recover k from (r,c),s' so Alice's message is indistinguishable as desired.
Not sure that overall is ECDSA like enough to be interesting and the schnorr method in seems a lot simpler!