Obviously the IRS will try to get its hands on any money American's make. They even tax Americans on income generated outside the US while the American is living as an expat in another country! It's gotten so bad that some Americans have dropped their citizenship to protect from being a tax audit target.
Bitcoin is likely to be not different. The IRS claims they have a form that can be filed (form 8480) but out of general curiosity I tried to find it and Google couldn't even find it!
If one can't even find the form, how could they be expected to complete it?! (That is, of course, if anyone thought it was right and just to declare their hodlings for tax reporting!)
Apparently less than 1,000 people have filed the form in each of the last three years (2013-2015). https://news.bitcoin.com/807-people-declared-bitcoin-tax-purposes-according-irs/?utm_source=OneSignal%20Push&utm_medium=notification&utm_campaign=Push%20Notifications
Fortunately, if bitcoin isn't sold there's nothing to declare...it's just a holding like owning stock.
What's your take?
I've paid my taxes on bitcoin mininig and trading since 2013.....over 10k each year on ave....my CPA never uses that form...the IRS says bitcoin to be treated like land property
thus that is how we have done the taxes (this is calling the IRS line in 2013 and 2014)
thus the IRS is blowing smoke....you don't need to file the form in question...just report the taxes with notations etc on the long form
its a bait an switch.....by IRS to fumble thru with a reason to go 'fishing' on coinbase...me I don't care ....I'm legit..just saying