
Topic: Payment received hours ago still shows 0 confirmations.... (Read 836 times)

Activity: 3472
Merit: 4801
Several possibilities. Need more information to assist.

Can you either post the transactionID or the receiving address?

I actually posted my response in another thread by accident.  It was almost certainly due to no fees.

And in your own words from another thread:

If a person specifies a fee lower than what the market will bear, tough shit for them.  They can raise it or not do business.
Activity: 70
Merit: 10
Maybe try starting the bitcoin client with --rescan (or -rescan)

He made a dust transaction with no fee.  It has been broadcasted to the network.  Now he just needs to wait a few weeks for it to be picked up by a blockfinder who is allowing free dust transactions.

He has another thread with him complaining about the fee nag screen in Bitcoin-QT.

Thanks but actually this was something that was sent to ME. 
Activity: 3583
Merit: 1094
Think for yourself
Maybe try starting the bitcoin client with --rescan (or -rescan)

He made a dust transaction with no fee.  It has been broadcasted to the network.  Now he just needs to wait a few weeks for it to be picked up by a blockfinder who is allowing free dust transactions.

He has another thread with him complaining about the fee nag screen in Bitcoin-QT.
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
Maybe try starting the bitcoin client with --rescan (or -rescan)
Activity: 3583
Merit: 1094
Think for yourself
Several possibilities. Need more information to assist.

Can you either post the transactionID or the receiving address?

I actually posted my response in another thread by accident.  It was almost certainly due to no fees.

Activity: 70
Merit: 10
Several possibilities. Need more information to assist.

Can you either post the transactionID or the receiving address?

I actually posted my response in another thread by accident.  It was almost certainly due to no fees.
Activity: 3472
Merit: 4801
Several possibilities. Need more information to assist.

Can you either post the transactionID or the receiving address?
Activity: 112
Merit: 10
Prob no fee boss man.

Post the link so we can check how much of a fee was put on the tx.
hero member
Activity: 728
Merit: 500
I have never seen this before and I don't understand what's going on.  I received a payment almost exactly 3 hours ago as of now.  My Bitcoin client says it's up to date, in sync and connected to 15 active connections.  Yet this payment received 3 hours ago says it has zero confirmations.  How can this be?  How can I fix it?

My debug window says that the last block I got is 266592 which agrees with what is swaying the latest block is right now.

Was a sufficient fee included with the transaction? If not, it can take some time before it gets confirmed.

Post the transaction-ID and/or a link to the transaction on so we have some more details.
Activity: 70
Merit: 10
I have never seen this before and I don't understand what's going on.  I received a payment almost exactly 3 hours ago as of now.  My Bitcoin client says it's up to date, in sync and connected to 15 active connections.  Yet this payment received 3 hours ago says it has zero confirmations.  How can this be?  How can I fix it?

My debug window says that the last block I got is 266592 which agrees with what is swaying the latest block is right now.

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