Apparently, in PayPal USD the issuer can enter an “asset protection mode” and “block” and “seize” assets.
In addition to that it can raise the max issued limit without any problems.
Well... what did you expect?
Well..indeed, what would one expect?
To release a full minable coin, completely decentralized, with a capped limit and still have it pegged to one dollar the coin?
How would this have worked with their business, how could they even implement such a thing, it's not like there is a guarantee that they will receive the same investment each day, there is no way to know if some would just get out of the system and demand their money back, how would you do that with a decentralized coin, you would send them to a coineater address and you would need to convince everyone those coins are indeed lost?
It's a business launching its won coin for its own benefit, if those things wouldn't have been there would have been even more suspicious of what scammy thing they are trying to pull.
I'm still amazed by the fact that they are planning to expand the whole crypto business and still allow you to withdraw your bitcoins, I was sure they were going to use some papal coins and you would have only numbers in your account not backed by anything yet they did surpise me with their take.
Long story short, this is as good as it will ever get!