@wallet4bitcoin, to cut the long story short.
Selling on ebay is a little bit tricky because there are not standard measure on this two platform (ebay/paypal) .
So, you need to be tricky to catch a rat! right?
Selling on ebay => you'll need two thing's (stealth ebay account & paypal account)
This permit you to have atleast 2-3 account & have something to depend whenever, you are having issue with any of these account.
You can get vcc from advcash. Which are cheap & the site are user-friendly even to a blindman.
You can also get multiple ip's for rotation when handling multiple ebay & paypal account but, you will need to be careful with paypal when using private ip's.
You'll require few technique in order to be able to use PIA, but, it's working on ebay & it's one of the cheapest out there with possibilty of getting different ip's in USA,CA,UK,Belgium,Germany,Italy....ecc
Thanks & I hope it will help