Student loans are usually brought into existence to help a student learn an occupation. Once the student graduates, frequent the business they set up, and pay for their services. This will help them get out of debt while their service benefits you.
-Joseph Van Name Ph.D.
True that a trade school would be a better place to learn something useful. However, in a lot of your posts you post something like 'f@#$ing'. I'm assuming it is something that you learned in a university, but it might be interesting to know what it means, and how it relates to what you are yammering about.
As for debt cancellation, people don't have an agreement with a debt collector for anything. Invoice them for the expense they cost you, especially the emotional expense. Make the invoice a $big one, especially when they can't come up with a contract you have with them. And the people who run the credit agencies will change your rating if you ask them. They don't like being invoiced or sued either.
I mean, suppose you wanted to be a medical doctor, but wound up getting sued by a bill collector because you couldn't repay your college debt. In that case, all you have to do in life is recognize that circumstances have changed your major for you. Forget about being a doctor, and become debt-collector-fighter instead. Win, and then make your money showing others. Could even start a college.