
Topic: People wonder why I don't take their advice. (Read 2109 times)

sr. member
Activity: 451
Merit: 250
That's not the average man.  First off half of all men are women.   So the average man is sexually indeterminate.

Here is the average man.

>Man is born.
>Man dies.

Here is a particular man, average in many ways but not all.

>Man is born.
>Man is me.  Awesome!
>Man is not dead.  So far so good.
hero member
Activity: 588
Merit: 500
Hero VIP ultra official trusted super staff puppet
okey, the first one was good. please stop now. make a thread!

Too late. Already posted it like 20 times. I'll make a thread now though.
Activity: 1050
Merit: 1000
You are WRONG!
okey, the first one was good. please stop now. make a thread!
Activity: 98
Merit: 12
No Gods; No Masters; Only You
notme, I'm mostly with you but the illusive aspects of human relationships aren't as relevant to me. That seems to concern you.

I have accepted that human relationships and related phenomena cannot be fully quantified. Individuals can be, given a proper relationship, haha.

I have no expectation of people either, notme, as I've already stated. My happiness comes from within. That's why I don't reject people in my life.

Love, friendship, respect, admiration are the emotional response of one man to the virtues of another, the spiritual payment given in exchange for the personal, selfish pleasure which one man derives from the virtues of another man’s character. Only a brute or an altruist would claim that the appreciation of another person’s virtues is an act of selflessness, that as far as one’s own selfish interest and pleasure are concerned, it makes no difference whether one deals with a genius or a fool, whether one meets a hero or a thug, whether one marries an ideal woman or a slut.

Anyways, I appreciate the links to literature. I'll certainly enjoy these. Thank you, friend.
Activity: 1904
Merit: 1002
I'll be vulnerable for you:

I am seriously considering what you have to say but it ends at an empty wall: What does this man want me to do and why?

Is he looking out for my happiness or does he want me to serve his whims? I am already happy, my current ways have developed great bonds and an enjoyable life. If you want me to serve you or your indirect goals, I can only laugh.

It seems the alternative you propose is really self-sacrifice: Loving people outside of self-interest. What a terrible life to live, loving and giving to people with no happiness, haha.

It is counter-intuitive, but you have to give up self-interest to obtain lasting happiness.  Otherwise, you only have "fair-weather" friends.  I live, love, and give with no guarantee of happiness.  In my experience, it comes back to me.  It's a hard step to take because it requires faith that there is some force that will make it work out.  It doesn't matter whether you call that force "God" or the "Law of Attraction" or whatever.  The important part is learning to trust yourself enough to take a leap.  Unless you already have faith, you have to trust that even if the universe fails you and lets you fall flat, you will be able to pick yourself back up.

I want nothing from you, I'm merely attempting to help a fellow citizen of earth by sharing what I've learned.  I'm singling you out, because I see similarities between your current state of mind, and a state of mind that used to be my experience.  Because I can give with no expectation of return, I don't have to want anything from you in order to share.

Or maybe I'm delusional and seeking validation.  That's up to you to decide, but I can tell you I've been delusional, and where I am now is nothing like where I was then.

Life is hard to "get".  There are no shortcuts.  Careful study of history and sacred writings will slowly reveal what you need to know, but the minute you start to think you have all the answers, you need to recheck your assumptions.

In addition to the yoga sutras, I can recommend anything by Chogyam Trungpa (especially "Shambhala" and "Training the Mind"), and Hofstadter's Godel, Escher, Bach.
Activity: 98
Merit: 12
No Gods; No Masters; Only You
I love people because I want to. I love people selfishly with no expectation or sense of entitlement. I am not obligated to serve anyone and nobody is obligated to serve me.

This isn't a bad thing. It's liberation.

One final time: check yourself before you wreck yourself.  Seriously, you sound like a recording of me 5 years ago.  Maybe I'm wrong.  Or maybe I'm right, but I know you won't listen.  Either way, I'm done.  Good luck.

I'll be vulnerable for you:

I am seriously considering what you have to say but it ends at an empty wall: What does this man want me to do and why?

Is he looking out for my happiness or does he want me to serve his whims? I am already happy, my current ways have developed great bonds and an enjoyable life. If you want me to serve you or your indirect goals, I can only laugh.

It seems the alternative you propose is really self-sacrifice: Loving people outside of self-interest. What a terrible life to live, loving and giving to people with no happiness, haha.
Activity: 1904
Merit: 1002
I love people because I want to. I love people selfishly with no expectation or sense of entitlement. I am not obligated to serve anyone and nobody is obligated to serve me.

This isn't a bad thing. It's liberation.

One final time: check yourself before you wreck yourself.  Seriously, you sound like a recording of me 5 years ago.  Maybe I'm wrong.  Or maybe I'm right, but I know you won't listen.  Either way, I'm done.  Good luck.
Activity: 98
Merit: 12
No Gods; No Masters; Only You
I love people because I want to. I love people selfishly with no expectation or sense of entitlement. I am not obligated to serve anyone and nobody is obligated to serve me.

This isn't a bad thing. It's liberation.
Activity: 1904
Merit: 1002
Trust me when I say there are no big questions. My points is that things are only relevant when you want them to be. Anything goes.

It's hard for me to assign any relevance to your questions. So what if a tree falls down and that I am not there to perceive it? In the end, I can make the reality whatever I wish and it would be the same as if it actually happened.

I say release all bonds you have to your supposed reality, social conventions and even yourself. Just live, let live. That's at least, how I perceive.

Heh, in summary, it just doesn't matter to me. Why should it matter to me? It brings me no scarce joy.

I hope that one day you will truly care for another person.  On that day you will understand.

Or, perhaps you will build up your ego-centric attitude to the point that you will never allow anyone close enough to develop a bond.  You wouldn't be the first person to die alone and miserable.

Your road is the road to misery.  You won't believe me, and you won't care about the claim of some idiot on the internet, but it is reality.  You can reject it as false for as long as you'd like, but if you do so for too long, you'll never be able to escape the snare you've put yourself in.

I understand your cockiness is expanded by all the attacks you receive, and that is a shame.  If people only understood the monster they were creating, I'd like to think they would stop.  But, maybe they do understand, and like you, just don't give a damn.  After all, the only one who will suffer from your cockiness is you.

You seem to be in exactly the attitude I warned about when I mentioned the Yoga Sutras.  Check yourself before you wreck yourself.
Activity: 98
Merit: 12
No Gods; No Masters; Only You
I'm very familiar with Buddhist philosophy. I accept everything as-is but I still prefer certain things. I am a nihilist of course, so there is nothing inherently right or wrong. In the end, whatever pleases me is what I do.

Doesn't that make you a Hedonist rather than a Nihilist?
Nihilism is simply realizing that there is no objective reality outside the human experience. Beyond that, anything goes. A hedonist would say all men should aim for pleasure. I do not.

So if a tree falls and nobody is around, it doesn't make a sound?

If an individual percieves it as such.

But nobody is around... so no perception occurred by a human.

But if there is no noise, why does the deer jump and run off?  Or are you counting the deer as an "individual" who is part of the "human experience"?

I know you're going to say "but how do you know the deer jumped if nobody was around?".  To this I would say, I don't know, but that doesn't negate the reality of the situation.  Unknown != Unreal.

Reality is merely a perception, even the entities that are obscured.

There is no reality. There is only you. There is only your perceptions. Everything is a perception. Everything, in essence, is you. We are you. You are we. We are perceptions.

Getting me?

I get you, but trust me when I say you're just using rhetoric to avoid really facing the big questions.

Trust me when I say there are no big questions. My points is that things are only relevant when you want them to be. Anything goes.

It's hard for me to assign any relevance to your questions. So what if a tree falls down and that I am not there to perceive it? In the end, I can make the reality whatever I wish and it would be the same as if it actually happened.

I say release all bonds you have to your supposed reality, social conventions and even yourself. Just live, let live. That's at least, how I perceive.

Heh, in summary, it just doesn't matter to me. Why should it matter to me? It brings me no scarce joy.
Activity: 1904
Merit: 1002
I'm very familiar with Buddhist philosophy. I accept everything as-is but I still prefer certain things. I am a nihilist of course, so there is nothing inherently right or wrong. In the end, whatever pleases me is what I do.

Doesn't that make you a Hedonist rather than a Nihilist?
Nihilism is simply realizing that there is no objective reality outside the human experience. Beyond that, anything goes. A hedonist would say all men should aim for pleasure. I do not.

So if a tree falls and nobody is around, it doesn't make a sound?

If an individual percieves it as such.

But nobody is around... so no perception occurred by a human.

But if there is no noise, why does the deer jump and run off?  Or are you counting the deer as an "individual" who is part of the "human experience"?

I know you're going to say "but how do you know the deer jumped if nobody was around?".  To this I would say, I don't know, but that doesn't negate the reality of the situation.  Unknown != Unreal.

Reality is merely a perception, even the entities that are obscured.

There is no reality. There is only you. There is only your perceptions. Everything is a perception. Everything, in essence, is you. We are you. You are we. We are perceptions.

Getting me?

I get you, but trust me when I say you're just using rhetoric to avoid really facing the big questions.
Activity: 98
Merit: 12
No Gods; No Masters; Only You
I'm very familiar with Buddhist philosophy. I accept everything as-is but I still prefer certain things. I am a nihilist of course, so there is nothing inherently right or wrong. In the end, whatever pleases me is what I do.

Doesn't that make you a Hedonist rather than a Nihilist?
Nihilism is simply realizing that there is no objective reality outside the human experience. Beyond that, anything goes. A hedonist would say all men should aim for pleasure. I do not.

So if a tree falls and nobody is around, it doesn't make a sound?

If an individual percieves it as such.

But nobody is around... so no perception occurred by a human.

But if there is no noise, why does the deer jump and run off?  Or are you counting the deer as an "individual" who is part of the "human experience"?

I know you're going to say "but how do you know the deer jumped if nobody was around?".  To this I would say, I don't know, but that doesn't negate the reality of the situation.  Unknown != Unreal.

Reality is merely a perception, even the entities that are obscured.

There is no reality. There is only you. There is only your perceptions. Everything is a perception. Everything, in essence, is you. We are you. You are we. We are perceptions. You are your perception.

Getting me?
Activity: 1904
Merit: 1002
I'm very familiar with Buddhist philosophy. I accept everything as-is but I still prefer certain things. I am a nihilist of course, so there is nothing inherently right or wrong. In the end, whatever pleases me is what I do.

Doesn't that make you a Hedonist rather than a Nihilist?
Nihilism is simply realizing that there is no objective reality outside the human experience. Beyond that, anything goes. A hedonist would say all men should aim for pleasure. I do not.

So if a tree falls and nobody is around, it doesn't make a sound?

If an individual percieves it as such.

But nobody is around... so no perception occurred by a human.

But if there is no noise, why does the deer jump and run off?  Or are you counting the deer as an "individual" who is part of the "human experience"?

I know you're going to say "but how do you know the deer jumped if nobody was around?".  To this I would say, I don't know, but that doesn't negate the reality of the situation.  Unknown != Unreal.
Activity: 98
Merit: 12
No Gods; No Masters; Only You
I'm very familiar with Buddhist philosophy. I accept everything as-is but I still prefer certain things. I am a nihilist of course, so there is nothing inherently right or wrong. In the end, whatever pleases me is what I do.

Doesn't that make you a Hedonist rather than a Nihilist?
Nihilism is simply realizing that there is no objective reality outside the human experience. Beyond that, anything goes. A hedonist would say all men should aim for pleasure. I do not.

So if a tree falls and nobody is around, it doesn't make a sound?

If an individual percieves it as such.
Activity: 1904
Merit: 1002
I'm very familiar with Buddhist philosophy. I accept everything as-is but I still prefer certain things. I am a nihilist of course, so there is nothing inherently right or wrong. In the end, whatever pleases me is what I do.

Doesn't that make you a Hedonist rather than a Nihilist?
Nihilism is simply realizing that there is no objective reality outside the human experience. Beyond that, anything goes. A hedonist would say all men should aim for pleasure. I do not.

So if a tree falls and nobody is around, it doesn't make a sound?
Activity: 98
Merit: 12
No Gods; No Masters; Only You
I'm very familiar with Buddhist philosophy. I accept everything as-is but I still prefer certain things. I am a nihilist of course, so there is nothing inherently right or wrong. In the end, whatever pleases me is what I do.

Doesn't that make you a Hedonist rather than a Nihilist?
Nihilism is simply realizing that there is no objective reality outside the human experience. Beyond that, anything goes. A hedonist would say all men should aim for pleasure. I do not.
Activity: 1904
Merit: 1002
I'm very familiar with Buddhist philosophy. I accept everything as-is but I still prefer certain things. I am a nihilist of course, so there is nothing inherently right or wrong. In the end, whatever pleases me is what I do.

Doesn't that make you a Hedonist rather than a Nihilist?
Activity: 98
Merit: 12
No Gods; No Masters; Only You
I'm very familiar with Buddhist philosophy. I accept everything as-is but I still prefer certain things. I am a nihilist of course, so there is nothing inherently right or wrong. In the end, whatever pleases me is what I do.

I'll read this narrative for sure.
Activity: 1904
Merit: 1002
While you may be far noisier than I ever was, your philosophy reminds me a lot of mine when I was younger.  There is some truth to your statements, but you're a bit over the top in assigning the worst of the world to the "status quo".  There really is a lot of good out there, but it takes more effort to see it.

I don't normally do this since a naive interpretation can lead you astray, but for you I will recommend you study the Yoga Sutras. is an excellent read.  But, I'll warn you: if you get to the point (like I did) that you feel everything is perfect and doing the right thing takes no effort, check yourself before you wreck yourself.  If you do wreck yourself, you'll learn vastly more, but the biggest lesson you'll come out with is that sometimes not knowing really is better.

"Learning to unlearn is the highest form of learning."
- Swami Jnaneshvara
Activity: 98
Merit: 12
No Gods; No Masters; Only You
Quite frankly, I stole the quotes from some Anon on 4chan. I thought it was funny. Really, the OP is just me having my typical dark sense of humor.

Anyways, I have failed to make a clear point it seems.
Activity: 1414
Merit: 1002
The divorce rate has never been higher. Single-female parenthood is at an all-time high as well.

You know good people who know how to get along in the world, edd. From the groups I've visited and people I met, a good portion of first-world society is having it really rough.

The reasons -- I'll discuss at a better time. It seems my original post insulted half the forum, heh.

I'm not saying the people I know are all successful, happy, and in fulfilling relationships. You just posted a list of some very specific characteristics and I was pointing out that it does not apply, as a whole (or even a significant portion of it), to anyone I know.
Activity: 98
Merit: 12
No Gods; No Masters; Only You
The divorce rate has never been higher. Single-female parenthood is at an all-time high as well.

You know good people who know how to get along in the world, edd. From the groups I've visited and people I met, a good portion of first-world society is having it really rough.

The reasons -- I'll discuss at a better time. It seems my original post insulted half the forum, heh.
Activity: 1414
Merit: 1002
Let me sum up the average man's life for you:

>man goes to college
>man works his ass off
>man gets middle class job that he finds boring as sin
>man gets married
>man gets three kids and a dog
>man eventually pays off his massive student loan debt by working nights and weekends.
>man gains 50 lbs
>man's wife loses interest in him
>man loses wife, kids, and house in one year
>man drinks himself to death wondering what he did wrong

Why the hell should I listen to the status quo when it's usually ending up like this? Fuck listening to society. Fuck listening to your elders. Fuck the status quo.

I think you may be working under some false assumptions based on television and movie portrayals of "the working man."

I'll be 40 next year and I don't know a single person that fits the above description.
hero member
Activity: 728
Merit: 500
I can't imagine anyone single under the age of 25 spending more than 30 minutes a day on the computer. How long does it take to email someone about a date? Life is too short.

This is a weird opinion.
Activity: 1330
Merit: 1000
I can't imagine anyone single under the age of 25 spending more than 30 minutes a day on the computer. How long does it take to email someone about a date? Life is too short.

I'm guessing you also imagine people under the age of 25 having cars and disposable incomes?
Activity: 1736
Merit: 1010
Let's talk governance, lipstick, and pigs.
I can't imagine anyone single under the age of 25 spending more than 30 minutes a day on the computer. How long does it take to email someone about a date? Life is too short.
Activity: 1050
Merit: 1000
You are WRONG!
lets sum up your life:
>been born into to a alcoholic family.
>annoys everyone, and thinks you are a much more important then everyone else.
>can not hold on to an identity for more then a few mouths(atlas or what you are called).
>thinks you are gonna change the world, by messing with the authoritys.
>being shot dead at the age of 20, because you did some political terrorism, like Breivik or Merah.
>or commits suicide, because the world sucks.

have a happy life.
Activity: 1050
Merit: 1000
You are WRONG!
That's no way to talk about your Dad.
Activity: 1218
Merit: 1001
That's no way to talk about your Dad.
Activity: 98
Merit: 12
No Gods; No Masters; Only You
Let me sum up the average man's life for you:

>man goes to college
>man works his ass off
>man gets middle class job that he finds boring as sin
>man gets married
>man gets three kids and a dog
>man eventually pays off his massive student loan debt by working nights and weekends.
>man gains 50 lbs
>man's wife loses interest in him
>man loses wife, kids, and house in one year
>man drinks himself to death wondering what he did wrong

Why the hell should I listen to the status quo when it's usually ending up like this? Fuck listening to society. Fuck listening to your elders. Fuck the status quo.
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