
Topic: pEOS a privacy token which enables private and untraceable transactions on EOS (Read 119 times)

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When EOS was initially announced, it was presented as a blockchain operating system. A base layer of software that solves the common problems a blockchain developer faces and enables them to focus on the application functionality instead of reinventing the wheel.
EOS represents the early MS-DOS days when the actual operating systems were very limited. Developers had to implement device drivers by themselves and handle very basic hardware issues. Then Windows came along and things changed.
To implement the Bitcoin “dApp”, Satoshi had to implement/invent a distributed blockchain system. That’s fine as nothing like it existed before that. But then there was a need for private, anonymous and untraceable transactions. Bytecoin/BitMonero had to re-implement all the network level technology, the consensus, etc again. As you can imagine this was a lot of effort on re-inventing the wheel, solving the same problems, fixing the bugs, patching security holes, the list goes on forever.
EOS later solved that problem. With all the consensus systems, peer-to-peer networking, account system, permissions and security in place, developers can focus on the actual novel features.
By being programmable in a powerful language like C++, EOS enables the implementation of the Monero protocol in a smart contract. With some clever engineering, pEOS Dev's were able to enable Monero style anonymity and untraceability on an EOS based token by implementing all the specialized and proven cryptography required in a smart contract. And so, privacy EOS was born. Or short pEOS.

The pEOS team is Anonymous. The dev team is known by nicknames in Telegram group (Mel & Emma). [3]


pEOS Wallet v0.0.2 "Bolivar" [Alpha Release]
This was a bonus early release of the pEOS wallet in August. For the Alpha, the team focused on making a useful and reliable wallet with unique features. These features include pseudo-anonymity, and the ability to hold PEOS without having an EOS account.

pEOS Staking
On September 13, 2019, the pEOS team enabled staking of PEOS tokens, a long requested feature by the PEOS community. This enabled better security for compromised keys, in the same way it does for native EOS tokens. Additionally, staking tokens creates passive income proportional to the staked amount and stake duration.
PEOS is a non-inflationary token. The total supply of PEOS is fixed and doesn’t increase with time, the way EOS tokens do. There is no inflation. Staking earnings come from part of the fees payed for buying RAM when doing private transactions. Eventually, when the transactions are in, that surplus can be accounted for. Additionally future transactions also free up memory. That creates a surplus.
The team decided that the best use of these tokens is to give them back to the token holders. Staking returns increases with the number of private transactions that happen on the network.
The contract later introduced a few extra actions including stake, unstake, refund and realizedivs.
Final release of the wallet
The pEOS team is working hard on testing the wallet on EOSIO 1.8., full release is expected to be around October 15, 2019.

pEOS Airdrops
The pEOS community driven Discord channel does a 1pEOS airdrop to every new member when they join the pEOS Discord. They regulary do a random pEOS rain giving tokens to members. They are also building a Telegram tipbot so that users can tip each other with pEOS.

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