I should have made this self-moderated to keep dissenting opinions and people who poke holes in my confirmation bias away.
I fixed that for you. If you just want your bias confirmed turn on the TV. This forum is for discussion, not circle jerking. The fact is Hillary Clinton had more motive to kill Peter W. Smith than anyone in the GOP.
Trolls be trolling so hard.
Nah, self moderated to keep asshats who troll threads just because they dislike the content of the thread.
Asshat trolls who distract from the conservation. Asshole trolls that don't really care about the topic, just arguing about pointless shit.
A guy was murdered, probably by a Russian agent. The house intelligence committee should investigate the guy's murder.
I suppose only a loony would think Clinton murdered this guy. The same sort of loony that'd think bombs sent to Democratic leaders were a false flag operation. Wait, that's this troll here!
Anyway, this thread will be interesting to look back on once the investigation completes.