Cryptocurrencies market is the hardest to estimate. There is no fundamental analysis here - such indicators P / E (price earnings ratio) P/BV (price to book value), because everything is at the start-up stage, the functioning of which we will only see in the distant future if the team won't scam us, if no one will develop similar project faster, if no one will invent better product that will make our coin useless, if ... if ... The market is blindly trying to include project prospects, risk, market condition and various of other indicators in the price. Most often market is so confused that it blindly accepts any existing price, because if ... if ... if ... if will happened than this token will take over the world and will be worth even 100x more. But there are more than 10,000 such tokens and only 1 will rule the world. So a moment later, there is a dump and another group of investors becomes bagholders.
Phenomenon of binance and BNB coin:
Binance is currently worth $ 2.4 billion (15.6 $ per token). Let's try to do the fundamental analysis of BNB just like with regular share on stock market (someone ever did that with cryptocurrencies? Is there any other cryptocurrency for which such analysis is possible to do with actual data not prediction about the future performance if.... if.... if...? - the phenomenon of binance - the first coin for which it can be done!)
The volume on binance reaches $ 2 billion a day (spot/margin/futures). This is the value I believe in (it is not inflated by fake trades such as on bitferox). This means that binance's daily income is equal to 0.075% of $ 4 billion (2 billion in transactions means that it was bought for 2 billion and sold for 2 billion and the commission was paid by both sides) = $ 3 million / day = $ 1.1 billion / year. How much can they spend on servers, employees and marketing? I have no idea. Those data are not available.
I estimate $ 300 million? This gives 800 million gross profit. $ 600 million net profit after tax (first estmiate - probably with a big mistake).
This gives us P/E ($ 2.4 billion/$ 600 milion = 4)
This is the first estimation and I must admit that it is amateurish. So I found a slightly more accurate way to evaluate the binance earnings:
The average of the last 8 burns is $ 25,7 million. That is $ 103 million burned annually. What % of profit is that? Whitepaper is silent. I asked the admin of the Polish telegram ...
He replied that until recently this information was in the whitepaper, but it was removed and the value I am asking for is 20%.
So we are saying about $ 515 million of pure profit.
This gives us P/E ($ 2.4 billion/$ 515 milion = 4,66)
The average P / E for nasdaq companies (probably the best comparison, because they are the most popular technology companies) is 20! This means that if BNB were listed on nasdaq, its price should increase 4,3 times. average P / E for S & P500 companies is 22. means that BNB FUNDAMENTALLY is undervalued.
Add to this that nasdaq does not offer:
-25% discount on the company's services for share holders (commission reduction)
- special additional offers for share holders (launchpad/vote for community coins and others acticvities that provides passive income)
-the promised purchase and destruction of 50% of all shares (200 million were created - 100 million were initially promised to be burned. Although there is a dividend, but the average for nasdaq is
1.1% , and binance buys annually for around 3%.
-binance coin is also a blockchain system with more than 80 projects
linkJust remember that BNB are not binance shares, but coin. In addition P/E is only one indicator that i based my anylysis onI'm not saying to take BNB blindly. But it's definitely worth looking for technical long-term entries, because we are fundamentally at 1/4 of the price you pay on nasdaq for companies with similar profits.