Hilarious thread by the Brexiteers.
Please finally leave the EU and take Theresa May with you. We will see in a few decades how it worked out for the EU and Britain. It was hard getting something done in the EU in the past decade since the UK was basically against everything without making any useful proposals...and good luck with rebuilding your desolate industry without european free trade and good luck subsidizing your farers yourself without the EU money.
Good luck ..Hard work
A bit of elbow grease and some spine ..
without European free trade ..
I don't see the EU lasting for very long ..
To many unhappy Europeans started off with Greece then Italy France not looking to good ether..
subsidizing your farers yourself without the EU money
You mean we pay 10 billion to the EU each year and they give us back 5 billion so we loose 5 BILLION ..
.and good luck with rebuilding your desolate industry YES and thanks to the EU and the London ass holes it become desolate ..
It was hard getting something done in the EU in the past decade ..Yes because the EU become more than free trade in the last decade
They become like the UNITED STATES OF EUROPE ..
And the worst is more have joined making it even harder to do trade HOW YOU ASK?..
Well imagine a country wants to sell apples from outside of the EU well 27 countries need to all agree to do trade with 1 country..
Now imagine 1 of your 27 countries main product is apples then you got a problem the other 26 will loose out because of 1 country doesn't want apples on the markets because they will loose out..
And that's another reason i want out to difficult to trade with other countries because all need to agree..
Now imagine a country wants to sell the EU apples cars and computers then i can imagine it would take for ever to get a trade deal done..
And the fact the UK is the people with the money we want to buy buy buy and you want to sell sell sell well not no more by the looks of things
I see the world like a row of shops i can always walk in another
Some countries without us buying their goods they will feel the pinch we wont
Buy a cabbage in the EU or BRAZIL
buy in Brazil they become richer don't buy in the EU they become poorer ..
..We have the biggest army in the EU why because our people suffered to buy these weapons
while Germany and the likes used us as protection while their GDP is in SURPLUS..
We the UK suffered to pay for these weapons and also buy putting our future generations in DEBT while the GERMANS and the likes children
don't suffer debt before they are even born..
So now the British people have now said enough is enough we want out of your JEDI mind TRICKS..
The EU JEDI You will pay us 10 billion ..Well those Jedi mind tricks don't work on a JEDI
So now i want out..Like 17 odd million do and i thinks way more want out now ..
Only London who want to stay and a few others ..
Now about religion freaks saying that abortion is WRONG..
Ok then if your wife one day is RAPED and comes home saying she is pregnant to the RAPIST and wants to keep it then you say as a man
life is sanctity and i will look after like my own
Now considering Jacob Reese Mogg he as a nanny for his children because he is rich and lives in a huge house i would like to see him look after this child if his wife got raped..
No i would wish that on anybody BUT what if it did happen to your wife would you look after that child like your own?..
And i always thought it was 12 weeks and after 12 weeks it was to late but they upped it i believe which is wrong because now it's a human
BUT it still is not my choice ..
I mean an unwanted baby can become a genius or a killer more chance though an unwanted child will be a killer
messed up in the head no parents or people who love them as humans that would hurt..
And on a last note for the EU CRAZIES ..
We the UK are open for business How EASY give Brazil loads of money to kick start them buying OUR GOODS
Then we get it back over time ..
If you sell cakes it's easy to lend cakes out so they can sell them for a profit then pay you back later to buy more cakes ..
And like Brazil they have green lush land ..
Oh and not just Brazil many many other nation outside the EU..
We invented the 3 piece suit to do business and believe me when you look in the mirror you feel important..
We will become a digital nation a smart nation ..
Now do you want free trade or not?..
Because we are MONEY
And you the EU need it by selling to us the UK ..
The Corporate Tax Rate in European Union stands at 22.50 percent..
The current Corporation Tax rate in the UK is 19% for company profits ,,
3.5% more if you move to the eu and the fact someone can set up a company after you move with less profits BUT still make billions by doing what you done in the same spot
Coming soon: the Bank of Dave - YouTube
Video for the bank of dave channel 4▶ 10:07
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odmdaJD2hGg11 Feb 2017 - Uploaded by Steve Baker
On 1 February 2017, I caught up with Dave Fishwick to learn about the ... and Loans towards becoming a fully .
About a guy who set up his own bank because the way the banks are acting ..
If dave can do it anyone can..
I hate companies who think they are above countries well not in the 21st century EVERYONE is a entrepreneur and are lining up to take over any old company and make a new one ..
So to the EU cut your nose to spite your face and you will loose big time..
2 world wars and you think we are scared
Time to show you Eu what we are made of..
This is what i wanted though a race to see who is the best who makes the best laws the best tech the best planet for all..
27 nations trying to agree on products from outside the EU will always be hard to do business ALWAYS ..
I know we the British will thrive ..
You will get our own people though trying anything to bring us down but they will FAIL..
And rats will do this to say i told you so
Like a TONY BLAIR and the likes..
Finance will be done at home no need for London soon ..
Look at all the CRYPTO finance apps.
Soon like the London black cab the finance industry will be done at home no need for big building soon..
UBER killed the London black cab..
You will be your own investor investing in your own share of the pies without the need for middlemen ..
The wonder of the internet and all it's glory ..