What happened
I do not want to reveal my Binance address which will be the reason I will not show the proof but people on this forum on English board know how this is real. You will see many scammers address that ended with your Binance address, continuously sending you 0.000357 USDT to 0.0005 USDT with the addresses similar to your Binance account address as you know USDT is a token on those chains. The rate this is happening to me continuously has increased and it happened again yesterday.
I also make use of Binance but never experienced anything that has to do with this, i also ensure that I don't leave my bitcoin address open publicly or any other chain addresses am having just for privacy purpose, but I've heard some other people saying thesame thing happening with them in situations like this, i think this is more about the exchange in particular or the platforms we use that host our wallet addresses that these scammers got them from.
The scammer's target
The scammer's will generate address similar to your Binance account or the exchange account that you are using because the address are fixed and not changing like bitcoin address on noncustodial wallet. They will generate as many as possible addresses similar to yours in a way if you only look at the characters ending your exchange account address and the scammer's address, their last 7 characters are the same. The hacker is thinking that if you want to send coins to your exchange address next time, that you will just copy and paste his (the scammer's) address on your wallet directly which is easier instead of going to copy it on your exchange,l account, thereby copying a scammer's address instead but thinking it is yours, using it to send money to the scammer, thinking you are using it to send money to your Binance or exchange account.
What a serious trick is this, we have to be careful with anything that has to do with copy and paste, in most cases, i ensure to check the first five or six characters and the last ones as well to make sure that they tally with the ones am sending to, it's also better that we always copy directly from the wallet address on the exchange and then verify it was the inded address copied and paste.