ich habe hier Phonix zum Minen. Beim Startet verbindet sich das Programm, startet aber nicht mit dem Mining.
Im DOS-Fenster steht folgendes:
Connected to server
LP: New work pushed
[0 Khash/s] [0 Accepted] [0 Rejected] [RPC (+LP)]
Meine Config schaut folgendermaßen aus:
autodetect = +cl -cpu #Use autodetect for all OpenCL devices, except those which are CPUs.
verbose = False #Enable verbose logging?
backend = xxxxx#The primary backend.
backups = xxxxx#A space seperated list of backup servers.
failback = 600 #Seconds between attempts to reconnect to primary backend when using backups. (0 to disable)
queuesize = 1 #Target/maximum size of the queue
queuedelay = 5 #Seconds before work expires to request more work (WARNING: don't change this unless you know what you are doing!)
statusinterval = 1 #Seconds between statusbar updates
ratesamples = 10 #Number of samples to average for hashrate reporting
logfile = False #Set this option to log to a file.
autoconfigure = False #Automatically configure this device?
kernel = opencl #The kernel to use for the device
name = GPU 0 #The name to display the device as (default is device ID if not specified)
start_undetected = False #Do not start the kernel if the device is not present
disabled = False #Disable this device?
worksize = 256 #Work group size, tweaking this option may improve performance
vectors = True #Use unit2 vectors? (enable this or vectors4, not both)
vectors4 = False #Use uint4 vectors? (enable this or vectors, not both)
bfi_int = False #Use BFI_INT instruction on ATI VLIW GPUs?
goffset = True #Use OpenCL 1.1 global offset?
fastloop = True #Use fast internal loop? (ideal for low aggression)
aggression = 3 #Number of nonces to test per kernel execution (lower value = less desktop lag, higher value = higher hashrate)
autoconfigure = False
kernel = phatk2
name = GPU 1
start_undetected = False
disabled = False
worksize = 256
vectors = True
vectors4 = False
bfi_int = True
fastloop = False
aggression = 10
Kann mir jemand helfen und sagen woran das liegt?