Also this link ( talks about this format - but again no way of importing it...
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According to that link...
I have just a file named "Bitcoin Wallet private key backup" (555 bytes)
and it has
{"pbkdf2_iterations":5000,"version":2.0,"payload":"[here a lot of characters]"}
inside but it doesn't look hex or anything like that inside the [here a lot of characters] - just a lot of letters, digits, = characters, / characters and \ characters...
Any idea what it is?
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Those "letters, digits, = characters, / characters and \ characters" are base64 digits. typically you also might see some + characters as well.
As mentioned in the link you provided...
the [here a lot of characters] is the base64 encoded AES encrypted JSON payload which contains the private keys. If you can remember or find your password, then you can use it to decrypt the payload with AES decryption. The decrypted payload should contiain your private keys that you can then import into some other wallet.