check out this site i am working on just for a mess around am offering a service to anyone that needs a website made for what ever reason
1. this site consists of a home page where it will display the 6 newest items added to the store database inventory
2. an admin login area so you don't need any programming skills to add new items to the store as i have created a form within the admin
so that the store manager can add and delete items from the store via the form
3. this setup needs a mysql phpmyadmin database and a server and a domain name i can set all this up for you and will instruct you on how to control the website when complete
so if anyone is interested give me a shout i will take payment in btc give me an offer and i will see if i can do it for you
if you would like to have a look at admin form to add new items to store give me a shout i will give you a look at my other pages