You'll get more replies or interest if you post a resume and show some examples of your work so people know what to expect.
Thanks for the counsel. To be honest, I'm not hard up for work. I want BTC jobs cause I'd like to add them to my portfolio cause I love the currency and want more of it -- directly.
Besides, I am not a designer, nor do I claim to be, so most of my work really doesn't display well, is behind the scenes making peoples' designs work as desired, or is protected by NDAs.
It would be naïve to trust a resume posted on a public forum, just as it would be naïve to post it. I think you can understand that on a crypto currency forum, one might be the type of person that doesn't like the idea of flashing all their history publicly to the world...
I'm a freelancer and always have been. The number of companies I've worked for are too many to name or even remember. And why bother? Do you want to know what I did 5 years ago, or what I can do for you right now? If you question my abilities or want to see what I can do, or a proof of prowess, then ask, I'd be glad to provide
Trust, as you can imagine, is earned. Currently I only have 2 posts on this forum, no no cred there. If someone reaches out to me looking for a developer for hire, I'll help them do their task, then ask for payment and a recommendation on the forum. I'd like to prove trustworthiness and abilities by actions, not by a document that says nothing.