Hello fellow Bitcoiners!
It is with great pleasure that I announce physical Bitcoins by Recalescence Coins, LLC!
www.recalescencecoins.comI've created a coin that speaks to me, and I hope it speaks to you as well. We are only offering one coin at this time, but we have plans for many more in the future, so forgive us if the pluralization seems premature.
I would like to extend a hearty thanks to the community at large. I've learned so much since I've discovered Bitcoin, and it has truly given me hope for the future. Any success I have had with Bitcoin, or will have, is a direct result of this community and its efforts. I can not thank you enough.
There is still a rocky road ahead of us, but I take comfort in the sheer resolution and commitment (bull headed stubbornness?...) of the users, developers, and fellow entrepreneurs that share in the qualities of the Bitcoin Protocol itself. We shall not yield.