Scope:Introductory level (presumably collage courses, although I would gladly do high-school homework as well) courses in calculus, classical mechanics, electricity and magnetism, and thermodynamics.
I can do more advanced work (relativity, quantum mechanics, Lagrangian/Hamiltonian mechanics), but I don't feel like it, so expect to pay more for it. Also, more advanced students tend to understand that outsourcing their homework defeats its purpose.
Volume:Probably not more than one problem set a week (I have my own homework to do), sometimes none if I am too busy.
I will keep the status on this post.
Directions:Send me via my PM box or
[email protected] (send me a short PM as a notification if you use email for the data, as I rarely check that email address) the following contents (can be google docs/drive links):
-Your user-name.
-The problems assigned.
-The relevant pages of the textbook, if problems are assigned from one.
-Pages containing any definitions, diagrams, and formulas referenced in the problems.
-The due date, include time zone.
-The amount offered as payment.
-The address(es) the payment is on.
Please apply as early as possible, preferably on the same day as the homework is posted, confirmation must be at least 50 hours before due time.
I will reply as soon as possible, negotiate the price, if I accept your offer, I will ask you to confirm it.
To confirm it, you must send me at least 25% of the agreed bitcoin value up front (will be refunded if I must cancel the deal, but not if you do) I will then start to work on it.
After I finish it, I will inform you and request payment (minus the 25% paid at confirmation), after you pay, I will send you the completed assignment .tex file (you can use to generate .pdf flie).
Terms of service:If outsourcing your homework is not allowed for your class, please do not use this service.
I do not guarantee that the homework will contain no mistakes, please check the homework before submitting it, it only takes a couple of minutes.
Remember that the purpose of homework is to further your learning, do not be surprised if you flunk the final exam after outsourcing your homework.
Payment:I only accept payment in bitcoin.
To estimate a reasonable fee, multiply the estimated time to do the homework (can usually be derived from the syllabus or the first lecture) by a decent wage (somewhat above minimum wage), for example, if the professor says "5 hours per week" and there are three 50 minute classes per week, that leaves 2.5 hours for homework, so at a high rate of $18/hr, this comes to 50m
BTC, at a lower rate of $9/hr, this comes to 25m
BTC, this is the approximate range of rates.
Questions and answers:Are you doing this yourself, or are you part of a group?I am doing this alone.
Why must I send you a private message even if I send an email?I rarely check that address, I may not see it if you don't send me a private message informing me of the email.