Hi all,
I have built an Ping Pong (BOT), for automatic trading on Vircurex as the market rises and falls.
To begin with I want to say this is in no way as good as C.A.T, and it's not designed to be but then it works on a different exchange and it's a lot cheaper
The script is built in PHP and uses Vircurex's API to buy/sell.
It's pretty straight forward to configure:
Step 2) Extract the ZIP I send to a location of your choice (C:\Dump in this example)
Step 3) Edit the config.php file, and input your username in the $username field and $secret_word (your Secret word is what you generate in Vircurex, goto Settings --> API to create this)
Step 4) Set $trade_cur to the currency you want to trade, in the screen shot (WDC)
Step 5) Set the $start to the value you currently hold of the currency you are trading
Config example:
http://gyazo.com/c4ac7bfa4ca8eeac9b13fa15e4e19431Step 6) Make sure everything is ok. Open Command Prompt and type the following commands:
cd c:/dump
php test.php
If successful it will connect or it will fail and tell you why.
Step 7) Now you are good to go, simply setup a scheduled task to run trade.php every 5 minutes. This will connect to Vircurex automatically, and try to trade based upon the variables supplied in config.php
I have included a standalone copy of PHP with the files, so you don't need to do any additional configuration at all.
You will get a log output in the same directory every time the scheduled task is run telling you how it has performed (if it's bought/sold anything, and the price).
Once you have begun running the script do not delete any of the log files produced as this will potentially cause loss of profit.
For the moment I advise leaving the profit value setup as 0.3 from testing I have found the best results from using this value.
Returns will be variable as with anything, so I cannot promise this will make you loads, however trading WDC I usually make between 5-20 every night, with just 250 coins, the rule of thumb is the more coins you put towards it the better
How do I get this script you ask? Simply message me and send 0.1 BTC to 1JkNpF47bFGRsW91L6cbS5pdJZs3bFeCVD