
Topic: Planet Lockdown Film (Read 83 times)

Activity: 1904
Merit: 1277
March 04, 2022, 08:25:11 AM
So we have COVID-19, lockdowns, CIA, 9/11, war and world population in just a few posts. Are we getting off track or is this all connected? What do you think? If it is connected, how so?

It's all connected through conspiracy theories, and the fact that the mechanisms used to attempt to justify them are always the same, and always both intellectually inauthentic and logically indefensible.

The conspiracy theorist starts from a conclusion "I've decided that this is the case", and then either doesn't even attempt to support this assertion, or else attempts to support it by seeking out selective evidence divested of context, or quotes from carefully selected experts (or "experts"), and disregards any evidence (often the vast majority of evidence, and the vast majority of experts) that doesn't support this pre-decided conclusion.

The posts above about population control are a good illustration.
Unsupported conclusion: "Of course the elite care about people dying in the name of depopulation, why did they etch out the Georgia Guidestones then"
I then supplied charts detailing the actual data and actual trends in population change across the world over the last 60 years.
To which the response is... what? The response is nothing, because the conspiracy theorist does not accept the data I've shared, because it doesn't fit his pre-decided conclusion. Therefore the evidence I've shared is either ignored, or is dismissed as fake in some way (without, of course, supplying any evidence to support the claim that it's fraudulent).

Covid lockdowns saved lives, the evidence, as I've shared many times, is perfectly clear. Anyone who chooses to dismiss evidence without good reason is misleading themselves.
Anyone who was against lockdowns, against social distancing, against masks... is against these things from an ideological perspective, not from a reasoned perspective based on a genuine consideration of the data.
Activity: 4
Merit: 0
March 04, 2022, 07:30:54 AM
So we have COVID-19, lockdowns, CIA, 9/11, war and world population in just a few posts. Are we getting off track or is this all connected? What do you think? If it is connected, how so?
Activity: 1904
Merit: 1277
March 02, 2022, 06:47:56 AM
put the western world into near endless wars with the middle east to destabilize it.
The instability of the middle-east is an unintended consequence of western involvement, not the primary aim. The aim was oil (money).

Of course the elite care about people dying in the name of depopulation, why did they etch out the Georgia Guidestones then?
The Georgia nonsense stones were put up in 1980, a different era. Rate of population increase has been slowing dramatically since then. Indeed, many countries (Japan as an obvious example) are taking steps to increase their birth rate. Population increases in western countries are generally due to immigration, which is completely independent of the country's birth/death rate. I'm not generally a fan of animated data visualisations, but it's worth going to this link and pressing the play button on the chart to see each nation's progression across the demographic transition model.

This image shows the final state of that chart, with nations moving towards a position where deaths>births (falling population [excluding immigration]).

This image is a view of that chart with the 'average annual change' box ticked. It shows the relationship between changing birth rate and changing death rate over the last 60 years. You will note that most western countries are below the rising diagonal, so either already have, or else are moving towards having, a falling population (excluding immigration).

Activity: 478
Merit: 66
February 28, 2022, 08:15:04 PM
There's a world of difference between engineering a situation and taking advantage of a situation. I would not be at all surprised to see a government use the pandemic to implement otherwise unpopular new laws. Similar to what we saw in the US after 9/11 with the Patriot Act. Governments take advantage of situations all the time.

I think you're starting to get it.

But it doesn't mean the 9/11 planes were a CIA plan, and it doesn't mean the Covid pandemic is fake or engineered. It's not, it's real. Remember, this has caused huge economic damage as well as countless deaths. If governments don't care about the deaths, they certainly care about the money.

Ok this is where you lose your composure. No, it wasn't quite the CIA but perhaps it was them in a smaller way to allow engineers to install bombs with thermite in them to burn the steel beams of the WTC so the building would implode. A plane could not melt the tower. Sure it could damage it heavily but due to the foundation it would have still stood and could have been repaired. One of the reasons that they bombed from inside of the towers is that it would have cost a billion dollars just to remove the asbestos insulation in it and replace it with non-cancer causing insulation. The other reason is obvious put the western world into near endless wars with the middle east to destabilize it. The last reason which you had mentioned previously implied is for control. Of course the elite care about people dying in the name of depopulation, why did they etch out the Georgia Guidestones then? Sure its all about the money but its more about the control that it brings over the masses. So to solve your equation:

death + money(control) = tyranny.
Activity: 1904
Merit: 1277
February 28, 2022, 02:37:49 PM
I'm sure they'll use the opportunity while everyone is focused on the war to push dubious legislation.

There's a world of difference between engineering a situation and taking advantage of a situation. I would not be at all surprised to see a government use the pandemic to implement otherwise unpopular new laws. Similar to what we saw in the US after 9/11 with the Patriot Act. Governments take advantage of situations all the time.

But it doesn't mean the 9/11 planes were a CIA plan, and it doesn't mean the Covid pandemic is fake or engineered. It's not, it's real. Remember, this has caused huge economic damage as well as countless deaths. If governments don't care about the deaths, they certainly care about the money.
Activity: 4
Merit: 0
February 28, 2022, 06:50:36 AM

Maybe I'll see it next weekend. Thanks for giving me something interesting to watch. Its a shame that you didn't post this a month ago because people were still focused on the pandemic. Now its all Russia Russia Russia and a potential World War. I just wonder what history will call this pandemic. I wonder if it will be called American COVID-19 even though the disease came from China because of how the American media hyped it up so much. This was more for Western governments to have control over their citizenry over their "concern" for the virus itself.

Maybe we shouldn't forget about COVID-1984 that fast, some countries still have restrictions and mandates and I'm sure they'll use the opportunity while everyone is focused on the war to push dubious legislation.
Activity: 478
Merit: 66
February 28, 2022, 06:33:37 AM

This is one of the projects I'm involved in. If you'd like to find out more about where we are today and how we got here, please visit planetlockdownfilm dot com. This is a documentary done by a friend by himself with his own resources, and the highest level of professionalism. It's got some greath interviews. If you think it is worth your time, please watch and share.


Maybe I'll see it next weekend. Thanks for giving me something interesting to watch. Its a shame that you didn't post this a month ago because people were still focused on the pandemic. Now its all Russia Russia Russia and a potential World War. I just wonder what history will call this pandemic. I wonder if it will be called American COVID-19 even though the disease came from China because of how the American media hyped it up so much. This was more for Western governments to have control over their citizenry over their "concern" for the virus itself.
Activity: 4
Merit: 0
February 27, 2022, 05:43:24 PM

This is one of the projects I'm involved in. If you'd like to find out more about where we are today and how we got here, please visit planetlockdownfilm dot com. This is a documentary done by a friend by himself with his own resources, and the highest level of professionalism. It's got some greath interviews. If you think it is worth your time, please watch and share.

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