If they still don't let you in, you might want to hire someone to fix the spelling mistakes on your site.
yaps i'll fix it. thx for your advice
The error seems fixed now and I just claimed on your faucet. About your adsense approval your site is fairly new and it's not going to get approved unless it has a lot of huge legit traffics with a useful contents that aren't copied from somewhere in the internet. Try to apply in a month instead and make it look better because design matters as well so you need to make it look professional. If you put the link directly to your faucet for approval then you need to do a lot of work there mainly but you don't have anything done aside from little introduction so far. Refuse from using any image that you don't own it. There's many unused spaces in footer area also. Use high quality images and contents.
i was review many site faucet, have a simple design but they get approval with adsense. .
i dont know what is the trick and step for join with adsense easyly
what do you think abour my website now ?
whats step do you do for getting approval adsense for your faucet site ?
please give me advice again . .
thank you
If you want to approval to adsense you must do this step first if how easy to approave by google..
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqsIP7GN8Y0I hope it helps.. and make sure to fix your website so that you will not banned easily
this video for monitezing youtube video.
you should get accepted by adsense are they still disaproving u ? thats really wierd you have alot of text and good website design
and the faucet is working itried it 10/10
you need to add some ads at least a-ads for now to get something little back
may i know how you maid the main site theme , it looks sick
please review again and give me advice again. . i was little change for my template. .
I don't think he has too much text on his blog he need more articles atleast 20 and out of 20 article atlest 1 or 2 big article (approx 2000 words) . Then submit youe site with new email address .
Remeber email address on contact us page and adsense email should be same .
thx i will create more post now. . its really hard to create approx 2000 words in 1 post. .
so must i create a new adsense account for new submiting ? i was request again for now. . i hope it will be approve. .
i was do it, same email address on contact us and adsense email
You should consider buying a .com domain.
really ? many site using not .com domain but approve with adsense.
thx for your advice, next faucet i'll make with .com domain.
Minimum of six months of website being alive in search index is much important to get approved quickly along with your own unique content. Don't ever use copy righted content or duplicated.
its to long i think
, i was read many site faucet with 1 week domain but they got approval with adsense. i donk know what the steo and how to join easyly. yaps i was check at plagiate checkker site first befor i posting my post.
thx for your all advice from all member here. .
i hope any master member here will share
how to join with adsense easyly for faucet site