
Topic: Please help me reover reward involved (Read 380 times)

Activity: 4
Merit: 0
May 11, 2016, 07:12:27 AM
Here is is wallet balance on April 25th someone should be able to identify the scammer with this info.  He was a trader under team kawai on some boards with very good feedback:
22k taken in an instant here's the info, 4k reward for someone who can get me back my balance:
Amount: 46399.7782mBTC
Transaction ID: 3ebb810c742424886b552af529caa341b6ffad124e44430511b501338f96a066
170c9aff...f3cc2727:4    1Eir4W3AAZvxJWXDv2VRcMForRtxQ2K5tz
3d8558e5...64438c1d:0    13qVffguWJzgho4aZNid9Ngqvgs18TGiEX
8ee4d313...ba454d39:1    1Eir4W3AAZvxJWXDv2VRcMForRtxQ2K5tz
fda6a7c9...c08cff77:0    1Eir4W3AAZvxJWXDv2VRcMForRtxQ2K5tz

Output : 1ATMS9BQrV4zb6X8AJMy2ngSUuPrR3i7s4      amount: 46399.7782

Please message use_zfs_yo on #electrum with issues or suggestions, how do I get a hold of him?

All other data to help:
Transaction id; 3ebb810c742424886b552af529caa341b6ffad124e44430511b501338f96a066
Status: 17 confirmations
2016/5/11 00:37hrs
170c9aff...f3cc2727:4    1Eir4W3AAZvxJWXDv2VRcMForRtxQ2K5tz
3d8558e5...64438c1d:0    13qVffguWJzgho4aZNid9Ngqvgs18TGiEX
8ee4d313...ba454d39:1    1Eir4W3AAZvxJWXDv2VRcMForRtxQ2K5tz
fda6a7c9...c08cff77:0    1Eir4W3AAZvxJWXDv2VRcMForRtxQ2K5tz
1ATMS9BQrV4zb6X8AJMy2ngSUuPrR3i7s4       46399.7782

Size 634 (bytes)
Received Time 2016-05-11 05:37:01 
Included In Blocks 411265 ( 2016-05-11 05:37:45 + 1 minutes )
Confirmations 18 Confirmations
Relayed by IP (whois) 
Visualize View Tree Chart

Size 634 (bytes

Hashes 00000000000000000216cde2eeaf4ff5d55f2711656b056071c1f69923d45990 
Previous Block 000000000000000002619c83c8084b8cfa737f5bf8936ea7a44270d9aa7adb98
Next Block(s) 00000000000000000368b2abcbd0b4436a78472d4a6c265efab3cd46f2aaf573
Merkle Root 726a2a283ab294fb3673e98f12b3fcfbfdf127c8d45261bdcce1ae6b8861f79f

Block #411265

Number Of Transactions 1341
Output Total 7,262.38667911 BTC
Estimated Transaction Volume 2,512.17337005 BTC
Transaction Fees 0.19440794 BTC
Height 411265 (Main Chain)
Timestamp 2016-05-11 05:37:45
Received Time 2016-05-11 05:37:45 
Relayed By BW.COM
Difficulty 194,254,820,283.44
Bits 403024122
Size 967.798 KB
Version 536870913
Nonce 2823166374
Block Reward 25 BTC

If any more info is needed please let me know, here is balance on April 25the and the email he sent me:
[email protected]
Major scam
April 25th at 4:09am his btc balance was 53880.0574758, somebody should be able to find this guy and have eletrum confiscate the funds and return them to me.  Please email me at [email protected] with leads 4k reward...

Activity: 4
Merit: 0
May 11, 2016, 06:51:57 AM
22k taken in an instant here's the info, 4k reward for someone who can get me back my balance:
Amount: 46399.7782mBTC
Transaction ID: 3ebb810c742424886b552af529caa341b6ffad124e44430511b501338f96a066
170c9aff...f3cc2727:4    1Eir4W3AAZvxJWXDv2VRcMForRtxQ2K5tz
3d8558e5...64438c1d:0    13qVffguWJzgho4aZNid9Ngqvgs18TGiEX
8ee4d313...ba454d39:1    1Eir4W3AAZvxJWXDv2VRcMForRtxQ2K5tz
fda6a7c9...c08cff77:0    1Eir4W3AAZvxJWXDv2VRcMForRtxQ2K5tz

Output : 1ATMS9BQrV4zb6X8AJMy2ngSUuPrR3i7s4      amount: 46399.7782

Please message use_zfs_yo on #electrum with issues or suggestions, how do I get a hold of him?

All other data to help:
Transaction id; 3ebb810c742424886b552af529caa341b6ffad124e44430511b501338f96a066
Status: 17 confirmations
2016/5/11 00:37hrs
170c9aff...f3cc2727:4    1Eir4W3AAZvxJWXDv2VRcMForRtxQ2K5tz
3d8558e5...64438c1d:0    13qVffguWJzgho4aZNid9Ngqvgs18TGiEX
8ee4d313...ba454d39:1    1Eir4W3AAZvxJWXDv2VRcMForRtxQ2K5tz
fda6a7c9...c08cff77:0    1Eir4W3AAZvxJWXDv2VRcMForRtxQ2K5tz
1ATMS9BQrV4zb6X8AJMy2ngSUuPrR3i7s4       46399.7782

Size 634 (bytes)
Received Time 2016-05-11 05:37:01 
Included In Blocks 411265 ( 2016-05-11 05:37:45 + 1 minutes )
Confirmations 18 Confirmations
Relayed by IP (whois) 
Visualize View Tree Chart

Size 634 (bytes

Hashes 00000000000000000216cde2eeaf4ff5d55f2711656b056071c1f69923d45990 
Previous Block 000000000000000002619c83c8084b8cfa737f5bf8936ea7a44270d9aa7adb98
Next Block(s) 00000000000000000368b2abcbd0b4436a78472d4a6c265efab3cd46f2aaf573
Merkle Root 726a2a283ab294fb3673e98f12b3fcfbfdf127c8d45261bdcce1ae6b8861f79f

Block #411265

Number Of Transactions 1341
Output Total 7,262.38667911 BTC
Estimated Transaction Volume 2,512.17337005 BTC
Transaction Fees 0.19440794 BTC
Height 411265 (Main Chain)
Timestamp 2016-05-11 05:37:45
Received Time 2016-05-11 05:37:45 
Relayed By BW.COM
Difficulty 194,254,820,283.44
Bits 403024122
Size 967.798 KB
Version 536870913
Nonce 2823166374
Block Reward 25 BTC

If any more info is needed please let me know, here is the email he sent me:
[email protected]
He is a trader on many sites please destroy his feedback...


Here is the grand finale,

i am not even netspyder you dumb idiot. Netspyder has changed his email months ago. the moment he said he was dropping the team something email, i registered it on a proxy and got it. i was patiently waiting for this day. i tried everything to scam netspyder but didnt work, so i had to try this last shot. i challenged netspyder that i will scam someone big money, unfortunately it wasnt him but nevermind. it took me months to learn how to speak, write and think like netspyder. several attempts but none were successful before this one. you prefer to trust a person rather than a legitimate website to buy miners. you were greedy to buy 100 miners rather than a standard 30-50miners and start mining bitcoins. Oh, my runners? no sir lol, everytime you started a trade with me, i started a trade with netspyder. all the runners, they are netspyder's runners not mine. all i did was be the man in the middle and make everything look like its link to me. to you i am netspyder, to netspyder i am kyle. this is the best scam. the one that cannot be traced back. the email was used on a ethereum paid virtual vps, the connection was satellite from countries in the middle east, if netspyder tries to join links, it will be link to you, and if you try to find me, you will instead find the real netspyder. youre a good guy, the ideas you have are very good. but i needed the money for my child's operation. you have told me your illegal business, your brothers company, your parents, your address, everything about you. what do you know from me? that i am supposedly "netspyder". everybody on the forum knows netspyder is from Ohio, not SanDiego. i end this now. i am self destructing this email address by email bombing it. dropping the vps and deleting everything.

Goodbye Smiley
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