
Topic: Please Help. MultiBit wallet. unconfirmed transactions. (Read 1407 times)

copper member
Activity: 1498
Merit: 1528
No I dont escrow anymore.
I used Multibit classic, I don't know if it's the same for HD.
For any wallet you had in the tools menu "export private key" or something.
It used to export into a file. Usually asks for password, but this time you need it unprotected.

I hope it's close to that in your wallet too.

Edit: I found this for Multibit HD
working out your method. i'll let you know if i get it sorted mate. thanks anyway

Why do you want to export your private keys? If you use "Repair Wallet"[1] it should remove unconfirmed transactions[2]. If it does not, you can restore the wallet from your seed words. Once you have done that, you can create a double spend that pays a higher fee and sends the coins to yourself instead of the other party.

[2] Im not entirely sure here, but thats what "reset" used to do on classic.
full member
Activity: 126
Merit: 100
You have to get lost before you can find yourself.
I used Multibit classic, I don't know if it's the same for HD.
For any wallet you had in the tools menu "export private key" or something.
It used to export into a file. Usually asks for password, but this time you need it unprotected.

I hope it's close to that in your wallet too.

Edit: I found this for Multibit HD
working out your method. i'll let you know if i get it sorted mate. thanks anyway
Activity: 4270
Merit: 1313
any advices lads?

Move it to the multibit section is my first piece of advice.
Activity: 3668
Merit: 6382
Looking for campaign manager? Contact icopress!
I used Multibit classic, I don't know if it's the same for HD.
For any wallet you had in the tools menu "export private key" or something.
It used to export into a file. Usually asks for password, but this time you need it unprotected.

I hope it's close to that in your wallet too.

Edit: I found this for Multibit HD
full member
Activity: 126
Merit: 100
You have to get lost before you can find yourself.
ok i found all what i need to do.
last thing i need is how to get my private key if i am using MultiBit wallet.
where i can see/find my private keye?
MultiBit Version 0.4.x & 0.5.x

.005 reward for anyone who will tell me where i can find my private keyes when using MultiBit
Activity: 3668
Merit: 6382
Looking for campaign manager? Contact icopress!
I think that I've seen how can this be done with Electrum, but search (even google) didn't find that post. That would have been fast.

So all advice I can give you is for Bitcoin Core and that means downloading the whole blockchain.
Import the key/wallet into Bitcoin Core then restart it with -zapwallettxes parameter.

Then you can resend with higher fee.

Try to contact DannyHamilton or achow101, they seem to know much better about this.
full member
Activity: 126
Merit: 100
You have to get lost before you can find yourself.
Hi guys,
please help me out here.
it is more than 12h and still unconfirmed...
i have paid 0.0001 fee and it got stuck, the worst the deal i was sending those 140euro's in bitcoin was already cancelled.
if somehow i can get back those unconfirmed coins i will pay 0.02 to anyone who advice me how can i do so.
but i think there is no chance to get it back.. this unconfirmed transaction made me lose money..

  5005f2baa7170c13ce5e104c7cd238479b75197b4aa32434963d06fd9625229f: Seen by 23 peers. Pending/unconfirmed.
     in   PUSHDATA(71)[3044022037ffc31353ee3379fbae555db8b4fcd449a07a1d5ec589d9575beae54ca2b05102200fa0e8894659a6e9d7654078aa8a52f7bf2018ddbbd9eec6cae26529764368f501] PUSHDATA(33)[0359b46795d3c6e4cf276a248d0d498f14fcb6cfef838a67e100ca64e7717a2282] 0.00319301 BTC
          outpoint:dcdca45c141ecdc9ed42893698b541bf2a5fe488f2b9454f4b29fe07f7b09137:0 hash160:db177262be56468540eccfb28abb66f7fd15d8fa
     in   PUSHDATA(72)[3045022100fc314047be9b22c3af522a85c5dc1663675c50a76ac0c83958bee0bbae74d85002204c2eb1b33f352b7d0deec78b0b3c8ee663df59c38f93bbd4ca8c2222df86737a01] PUSHDATA(33)[0262caac30b0d3fbdc19ec363cee877be935f0587bec3a293be22f6cafb031e7f2] 0.20 BTC
          outpoint:cf19e592e7116a43572faee1b81ce191e0d1e7446424c66ce9c19c60e5c262ea:0 hash160:23c46e3b589697664e0f1fa60862e79ec1a8953c
     out  DUP HASH160 PUSHDATA(20)[ad0c4236711ff8736cc379705df39f36e0e6c702] EQUALVERIFY CHECKSIG 0.00309301 BTC Spent by d8d6ec17b102812f0d989b469fce1993b22e7ea13a5fa5fa401f27d5d8fdf24f
     out  DUP HASH160 PUSHDATA(20)[f93faded0f7a46f7b4fd3bea6bbbc7c363c4ee7d] EQUALVERIFY CHECKSIG 0.20 BTC
     fee  0.0001 BTC

01000000023791b0f707fe294b4f45b9f288e45f2abf41b598368942edc9cd1e145ca4dcdc00000 0006a473044022037ffc31353ee3379fbae555db8b4fcd449a07a1d5ec589d9575beae54ca2b051 02200fa0e8894659a6e9d7654078aa8a52f7bf2018ddbbd9eec6cae26529764368f501210359b46 795d3c6e4cf276a248d0d498f14fcb6cfef838a67e100ca64e7717a2282ffffffffea62c2e5609c c1e96cc6246444e7d1e091e11cb8e1ae2f57436a11e792e519cf000000006b483045022100fc314 047be9b22c3af522a85c5dc1663675c50a76ac0c83958bee0bbae74d85002204c2eb1b33f352b7d 0deec78b0b3c8ee663df59c38f93bbd4ca8c2222df86737a01210262caac30b0d3fbdc19ec363ce e877be935f0587bec3a293be22f6cafb031e7f2ffffffff0235b80400000000001976a914ad0c42 36711ff8736cc379705df39f36e0e6c70288ac002d3101000000001976a914f93faded0f7a46f7b 4fd3bea6bbbc7c363c4ee7d88ac00000000

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