Please help new members join this forum "do not go the wrong way like me!"
You should read the rules of each topic before you join before posting the first one, for example:
- There are no topic posts outside the topic.
- Not trolling.
- No spamming (ref link) spam.
- No link shortener that requires a user to view an ad.
- No links to phishing or malware, without warning and valid reasons.
- Do not post spam posts and have unhealthy topics, or scams.
And you can refer to forum rules here: In the forum there are many topics, you should contribute your information and knowledge to help others will be better for myself, so you will receive merit and more.
"advice from a member has gone astray"
Please give them your advice so that new members join the forum "do not go the wrong way like me!"
Thanks for the advice for your new member! Best regards!