A tl;dr would be nice
Indeed! Or even better, and this goes for anybody: before making any deal, and before shaking hands on how the deal is going to be: make a summary, and then agree only to everything that's in the summary.
Having a chat-log as "reference" complete with "chat language" makes it very difficult to find all the details, and also makes it very likely both parties have different expectations.
DarkStar_ involved was in another case, it was about lending related. I will be coming up with it later in another topic.
This isn't helpful either: when making an accusation, make a complete overview of all the details, keep it as short and complete as possible, and don't add irrelevant information. If DarkStar_ isn't related, don't mention him.
What I got from the chatlogs is indeed slightly weird, but I still think all of this could have been prevented.
i informed him that he should wait while my developer fix the issues of emails not delivering to some users especially Yahoomail users, OP replied to me, what does that have to do with an ANN
I'm with Royse777 on this one.
OP contacted and said he can make an ANN for me, that is true and yes i was ok with that, he explained to me everything and more, i agreed that i will hire him to make me an ANN, 2 days later he told me to check a link with some codes in them and view the ANN, seriously until now i have not even opened it to see what it looks like, we agreed on a price for 50$ that is true enough, but now what OP missed to inform you all was that i informed him that he should wait while my developer fix the issues of emails not delivering to some users especially Yahoomail users, OP replied to me, what does that have to do with an ANN, LOL, well this part i never noticed because i have been busy and my developer is yet to work as well but not known to me he made the post accusing me over 50$, which is ridiculous, he said i never kept my word but i have explained to him already that he should wait let me get the website email system working properly, and he said he has done the work, that i do not understand how a job is done if it is not LIVE, i cannot steal the code, in what way is it beneficial to me? And why it is more outrageous is the fact it's over 50$.
I'm quoting this as an example of what I meant earlier: you post 1161 characters (917 excluding spaces), 245 words, and it's just one sentence. That makes it all TL;DR and very hard to read.
For me i see miscommunication and that's that.
I see that too, but like I said: this could have been prevented.