Wait, everyone calm down for a second.
Ignore the solutions 2weiX is proposing for his problem. Focus on the fact that he/she has a problem in the first place! As Andreas says, it's allowed to send money as many times in a row as you want without waiting for a confirmation. Those transactions will get broadcast as soon as you have a network connection.
So, the real question we need to answer is - why do people not see 2weiX's transactions for "one or two hours"? That's way too long. The recipient should see the transaction immediately, within a few seconds. If the tx doesn't go out for multiple hours, that suggests a bug or failure somewhere.
2weiX - how are you sending these coins? When you press "send" on the screen, you should see the little grey dot grow. Do/did you see that happen?
The scenario was (in two cases this hasd happened as of yet) the following:
I get sent a number of BTC, say 100.
I send away a part of those (be it paying for a drink, selling 10 BTC).
So let's say 10 BTC are sent to another person, 90 BTC are "changeback".
I can now send another 10 BTC to yet another person, the remaining 80 BTC being the "changeback".
I have now built a dependency cascade of a number of transactions which all depend on the first one "going through".
In my experience, those do not show immediately on the chain (the app's status shows "this transaction has not been sent yet").
Let's assume that for whatever reason, the next block takes 1h to find (or the app simply doesn't "see" the block).
Andreas was witness to one instance of this scenario (at the first BXB if you remember).
I had received 60 BTC
Paid my drink (0.01987something)
sold 10BTC
sold 10BTC
sold 20BTC
sold 10BTC
and was unable to spend the remaining BTC because the first transaction was still unconfirmed (in this instance, the app had not seen the next block, but there have also been times when a block took 30 minutes).
so I stood there in the rain, having a heap of unconfirmed sales and as number of unspendable BTC (maybe that depends on which version of the app I was using).
I wish there was an "easy" way for any user to circumvent such situations by eg. selecting "spread", which automatically adds 10 keys, makes a backup and then spreads the coins evenly in one transaction.