Has Hiro talked any more about his friends at mybitcoin? He said he would.
Just listened to it. Hiro makes a good point about how silly is Bruce Wagner's appeal (and Nanaimogold's too) to "the authorities". This would be very unfair to the whole bitcoin community. But it is also not right that a company can one day announce "We've been hacked! Come and get half your deposit!"
Nay, what is needed is an arbitration mechanism amongst ourselves. A trusted person, persons, or entity that can binding arbitrate. Fuck the FBI. And fuck "the guys at mybitcoin".
So, from here justice will take the form of individuals probing, investigating, and beseeching the likes of Hiro or anyone else who might "know the guys at mybitcoin" and perps like them to find out who they are and pry into their lives and their works until they come forth with some answers.
Anyone can listen to this podcast. At no point am I mentioned. Do you think that people won't notice that you are lying? Do you think you are allowed to just tell the world lies? That nobody is going to call you on it?
You are not truthful. You know who robbed you and how it was done, yet you still want to blame someone else for your own mistakes.
You had no stake in the MBC hack. Your MBC account was pwnd when Gox leaked their password file - weeks before the problem at MBC. You run all over the internet whining when you can't command the support staff to answer your same questions over and over again. You got plonked from the issue tracking system and you just can't let that go. The whole situation was explained to you in private immediately after the Gox fiasco, but like so many other ass clowns in this "community", you have no sense of what is private.
At no point during that podcast was I ever mentioned, but the comments made about people having to learn how to grow up were inspired by yourself. You, personally - the center of attention, just as you like it.
So what's your next move? Go post crap about me to another thread? Your credibility is gone. Even the gamers who share your fantasy world are not listening anymore.
There is no mystery about what happened to MBC. There is nothing for you to discover.
Fuck you too crybaby. If it's ever convenient for me, I'll spank you so hard you won't be able to sit down for a week.
You certainly deserve it.