You're absolutely right about that. Anything that isn't glorious democracy (which never was a democracy but try telling a Christian there's no God and see where that takes you ) is pure evil and probably associated with communism. I've actually been researching anarchism lately, and have learned many new things. It seems any time you mention anarchism, people immediately think of total chaos and everyone dying and getting mugged and raped. It's almost a losing battle, since belief in the state begins through forced public education and only beats you down until you submit by the time you finally get out.
If ever there'll be change, it has to start with education. But I don't see anyone fighting for it. In fact, it's supposed to be getting worse. What to do? There's a choke hold on these old ideas that people just don't want to give up.
Try a representative sortition.
Had to look this one up So it would be like jury duty almost? Where, instead of appointing a politician to represent a group of people, a random person is chosen to step to the plate. I like the sound of this idea, as long as it is truly random and people are rotated very often.