Friend brings it up with another fellow, he says "What if they get stolen" I ask "You mean Mt. Gox?" I proceed to explain how Mt. Gox never had it's origins in Bitcoin, he continues "I mean the 500 BTC that was stolen in
I sit there, dumbfound and bewildered for about 3 seconds, mentally comparing the loss of 600,000 to 500, but then he has to go, so I never finished explaining.
Professor sparks conversation in class about Bitcoin, attention gets diverted to me, and I explain everything there is to explain. Next thing I hear is "Drugs."
I'm not going to go into the rest of the conversation.
Tell parents, they view it as "All illicit activity and it was made to be illegal" and all that bullcrap. I explain why it isn't 100% made for that, parents (Specifically father) won't believe it. Still won't believe me, after gave him 12 different sources explaining where Bitcoin gets its value. Gets reply "It comes from drugs!"
A honestly crappy example he gave me is "Think of two drug dealers, one with a pound of weed and another with a pound of cocaine. Why doesn't one say 'Instead of smuggling our drugs to each other and possibly getting caught, why don't we use Bitcoin!'" Actual quote.
That was the best argument he had. "Hey, how about take a physical thing and force it into the internet under a cool name and 3D print it with plastic on the other side! Then we destroy the coins and act like nothing happened! We sent the drugs to each other, all through a digital system! See, it really isn't hard to stuff drugs into my computer and then they miraculously become Bitcoin, then send it to you! I got your cocaine and you got my weed! Bitcoin works!" Is another way of explaining what he said.
Eventually other news came up, and I won the argument as my dad cannot counter what I was saying. He mopes about the loss, and won't talk about Bitcoin.
Ironically, my parents say "Don't always listen to the media" when in that same case, THEY WERE JUST REPEATING NEWS THEY HEARD OR READ, AND I FOUND THE EXACT SOURCES THAT DAY.
Friend's parent (The one I got into Bitcoin), regurgitates the Flexcoin exchange news. I eventually convince them otherwise.
Bitcoin comes up in another class a week after, and about 7 people ask me about Bitcoin (Specifically mining). I told them, they seemed interested, but I don't know how many of them actually started anything.
Sorry about choppy writing, I'm overtired.
Honestly, no-one accepts it where I am. I still actively push for it to this day, and it is slowly gaining momentum, but everyone seems to claim they know stuff and they are right or they have their own opinion and anything that doesn't fall under their opinion's belief is non-existent. This is the case of my father.
So, can anyone disprove what my father was saying? Other than just me?