@MMH, we all should be serious on this, sir. For our coming generations, according to "theguradian", Both developed and developing countries will be hit, and by 2050, there could be 3.6 million premature deaths a year from exposure to particulate matter, most of them in China and India. But rich countries will suffer worse effects from exposure to ground-level ozone, because of their ageing populations – older people are more susceptible.
If current policies are allowed to carry on, the world will far exceed the levels of greenhouse gas emissions that scientists say are safe, the report found. "I call it the surrender scenario – where we would be if governments do nothing more than what they have pledged already?" said Simon Upton, environment director at the OECD. "But it could be even worse than that, we've found."
Just assumed, you can not breath without muff? i think if situation not considered by most genreated pollution countries, it might be more and more worst.
I am absolutely serious and not a sir.
The mainstream media is pushing out this idea of over population to keep people afraid so they'll be ok with the stupid climate conference.
There is no population explosion on this planet "Let's get one thing straight from the start. There is no population explosion. The rate of population growth has been slowing since the 1960s, and has fallen below replacement levels half the world over. But what about the other half? That's where population is exploding, right? Well, actually, no. The UN Population Division's world fertility patterns show that, worldwide, fertility per woman has fallen from 4.7 babies in 1970–75 to 2.6 in 2005-10. As Peoplequake author Fred Pearce puts it: "Today's women have half as many babies as their mothers … That is not just in the rich world. It is the global average today.""Overpopulation is a myth.
"According to the U.N. Population Database, the world's population in 2010 will be 6,908,688,000. The landmass of Texas is 268,820 sq mi (7,494,271,488,000 sq ft).
So, divide 7,494,271,488,000 sq ft by 6,908,688,000 people, and you get 1084.76 sq ft/person. That's approximately a 33' x 33' plot of land for every person on the planet, enough space for a town house.
Given an average four person family, every family would have a 66' x 66' plot of land, which would comfortably provide a single family home and yard -- and all of them fit on a landmass the size of Texas. Admittedly, it'd basically be one massive subdivision, but Texas is a tiny portion of the inhabitable Earth."Also check out the website
Debunking the Myth of OverpopulationPeople are greedy, which is why the government is stealing people's land and wanting the general population in cities.
It's sickening to know how much food is wasted every day. The US is horrible about this.
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Food Waste (HBO) Imagine using central park or something as a place where you plant fruit trees, and all the fruit is free. They don't want to clean up rotten food. But if you did that. you could have people just harvesting their own food instead of going to the store. Now do it in the poorer areas, and people would have free food. If people weren't lazy, and selfish they would actually be able to have fruit trees in the poorest areas and they could get their own food, take care of the trees, and eat of their work. But instead, people might want to take their own fruit, but not want to do the work and keep away the bugs and animals, because that's asking too much.
We were meant to work for our food, not for money. And someday we will again. But it's not because we're over populated that people can't have food. It's really sad.
If the governments cared about polluting our sky, they would stop doing it, by stopping the chemtrails, that NASA admits to doing. What goes up, must come down.