Poloniex have some laid down rules for listing new coin apart from volume and marketcaps of the coin.
How can I get a coin listed on Poloniex?
You can submit your request using our Coin Request Form.
Poloniex reviews coin submissions and makes decisions based on several criteria. Where applicable, a coin must have:
A block explorer
A website
A unique genesis block
A compiled wallet
We also conduct a thorough code review before a coin is added on our exchange. In addition, we like to see evidence of the developers' dedication to the project, community interest, and above all else, innovation. If you feel your coin is truly innovative, we want to hear about it. Poloniex never requests payments to list coins.
If you are contacted by any party soliciting payments while claiming to represent Poloniex, please notify us at immediately.
This above was copied from there website, read and double check your coin attributes.