I'm personally going to set aside up to $5,000 from my Poloniex wallet balance to donate to those who help me get some exposure or some kind of contact with Poloniex to resolve these issues.
Damn... Still no response, this really sucks.
I've had one that has held up for a few hours, and i was getting worried. But somehow, it just went through by itself after a few hours a waiting. However i have seen people that have waited for month sand still haven't gotten anything.
It seems like they may be targeting certain accounts that have bigger balances. Not sure, though. But why in the world is anyone still using them? On coinmarketcap they are still rank 6 in terms of volume.
I'm not sure what you can do. If i knew, i would have definitely helped you. They've essentially removed all available platforms for you to reach them, they have no phone number, physical address doesn't belong to them, trollbox has been removed, even the linkedin profile of the founder of polo is set to private.
I guess you could try just keep opening new tickets, and hope for a response, or try to reach out on twitter. Both of which i'm not optimistic about, and all of the possible outcomes will involve lots of waiting. If you get your money, withdraw it. Don't return.
Again, i feel sorry for you and i wish i could help you further. But all i can give you in advice is above.