I think so. I have also never bothered to check if its true . I came across another such case of another ponzi.
Right here:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/new-round-swiftponzi-the-fastest-130-ponzi-alive-931111The deposit address mentioned is :
1Swift461HnZnM5nxud2PE5SvEiHe8VU5The last transaction links another linked address as: 1CandyPE2zp8TQ55BA9gUP4qgVHzzPdDQ7 -
TXIDThis address belongs to user
CandyStripes -
https://bitcointalksearch.org/user/candystripes-325115 , who is already negative trusted. So I wouldn't be surprised if he is involved in a scam or a Ponzi, or actually multiple ponzis.
Also, if you go to the other thread of SwiftPonzi right here:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/new-swiftponzi-130-ponzi-with-no-delay-automated-925073 , then the deposit address for this was :
1JbhrVJ9pmrvkqQGdtYAALJX8iRWyy44i2The last payout after no one was paid was this:
TXIDNow if you click the next address: 17d9Rn9KhSFWwvwSEzLVcnRBZyw2kEK539 . The last transaction out of the 17d address was to this address; 1HQrEWWF4TAuc3chtLC8CXXSn9dGs8zDQP
which sends the last funds to 1redsY74u97ECVVKx7Gz9QWJWECUuzsrj - Which belongs to
redsn0w , who is a trusted member, and whom I don't doubt. But he might be able to confirm , who was the sender of the funds to him. (Probably going to be Candystripes only )