Anyone know whether or not there is a definite link between this Bitconnect 2 con and the original Bitconnect? Because I haven't seen any.
No surprises though, because Trevon James and co. apparently has already started shilling for this new scheme on Youtube, which could be potentially harmful to newbies who have absolutely no idea what they are doing, just like last time.
Use your common sense. BCC is a confirmed scam that resulted in millions lost, and that's not something that is disputed. This new scheme is not refunding a cent of those who were previously damaged. It's simply using the publicity that BCC is associated with for its own good.
The twitter page states that the people behind Bitconnect now are "individuals, and victims, who believe in the underlying blockchain technology behind the abandoned Bitconnect coin".
There is no "underlying technology" behind BCC whatsoever. It was only valuable because of the scheme that underlies it.