Feathercoin is now on Quebec-Pool.com
Come mine with us on one of the most stable server at the moment.
The pool is on dedicated server dual xeon. 24h/24 online!
We are using P2POOL process to get the most profitable way to mine alternative cryptocurrency.
A quick guide for mining on Quebec-Pool
Server IP/port :
http://cokirix.no-ip.biz:19327Username : Your Feathercoin wallet address
Password : Anything
If you use a command-line miner, type:
./cgminer --scrypt -o
http://cokirix.no-ip.biz:19327 -u YourFeathercoinwalletaddress -p Anythingyouwant
0.5% of the block reward is going for the blockfinder.
For more information, visit
http://quebec-pool.comMore coins are available on the website