First of all
Hi to All, since this is my first post with merit.
Normally something like this should go to Mining Support Subforum, but as there is a min post + 4h waiting time restriction I'll kick it of here.
I researched Bitcoins for quite some time, and upon feeling comfortable enough got on with setting up my mining.
My setup is:
Radeon HD5670, SDK 2.1, Catalyst 12.3, Win7 Pro x64Followed steps from: I went with with the GUIMiner option mining on BTC Guild.
So all was working my hash rate was about 90 MHash/s, and in my mind I was allready building the 4x HD5870 rig... (
Left the PC like that for 2 hours. Checked back and see, see "Shares: 0 accepted". Found it bit weird so pressed "refresh balance" - got "Balance: Bad response from server".
OK, went to BTC Guild Account Management - saw
all counters/values at virgin
ZERO. At no point did it receive any info from my worker.
That could not be as even if my work in itself was invalid, I should receive some conpensation for 2 hours hashing with 90MH/s.
Blamed it on the pool and went on. That was more or less last weekend.
Since than I have mined for BTC Guild, and using GUIMiner, pclbm, DiabloMiner and cgminer (found this to be the best for me).
Also since then I have read everything i could find on the forum on the subject - in all found instances the problem was some driver/connectivity isse or Hash rate in the Kh/s.
For me in ALL instances and combinations there would be no problem connecting, mining, longpolling etc.
In ALL instances the accepted share counter would stay at zero..
For reference please see cgminer summary:
Summary of runtime statistics:
[2012-04-27 01:02:09] Started at [2012-04-26 23:05:48]
[2012-04-27 01:02:09] Pool:[2012-04-27 01:02:09] Runtime: 1 hrs : 56 mins : 21 secs
[2012-04-27 01:02:09] Average hashrate: 79.7 Megahash/s
[2012-04-27 01:02:09] Solved blocks: 0
[2012-04-27 01:02:09] Queued work requests: 513
[2012-04-27 01:02:09] Share submissions: 0
[2012-04-27 01:02:09] Accepted shares: 0
[2012-04-27 01:02:09] Rejected shares: 0
[2012-04-27 01:02:09] Hardware errors: 0
[2012-04-27 01:02:09] Efficiency (accepted / queued): 0%
[2012-04-27 01:02:09] Utility (accepted shares / min): 0.00/min
[2012-04-27 01:02:09] Discarded work due to new blocks: 84
[2012-04-27 01:02:09] Stale submissions discarded due to new blocks: 0
[2012-04-27 01:02:09] Unable to get work from server occasions: 0
[2012-04-27 01:02:09] Work items generated locally: 0
[2012-04-27 01:02:09] Submitting work remotely delay occasions: 0
[2012-04-27 01:02:09] New blocks detected on network: 7
[2012-04-27 01:02:09] Summary of per device statistics:
[2012-04-27 01:02:09] GPU0 | (5s):0.0 (avg):79.7 Mh/s | A:0 R:0 HW:0 U:0.00/m I: 3
Shutdown signal received.
What immediately strikes the eye is
[2012-04-27 01:02:09] Share submissions: 0
Beeing a network tech I checked the network traffic (Wireshark) and the communication with the server was fine from comm stack standpoint.
At this point I really need to ask someone with more experience with this. What else could be the problem? Is there something obvious I could be missing?
Any help much appreciated and should help with resolution I would gladly donate some or the resulting earnings.
Can provide any further info.
Below debug log for a sample cgminer session:
[2012-04-24 23:38:36] Started cgminer 2.3.3
[2012-04-24 23:38:36] Probing for an alive pool
[2012-04-24 23:38:37] Long-polling activated for
[2012-04-24 23:38:37] Pool 0 alive
[2012-04-24 23:38:52] 54.0 C F: 85%(-1RPM) E: 775MHz M: 1000Mhz V: 1.100V A: 99% P: 0%
[2012-04-24 23:38:52] [thread 0: 225443840 hashes, 44376167 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:38:52] (5s):75.2 (avg):75.2 Mh/s | Q:3 A:0 R:0 HW:0 E:0% U:0.00/m
[2012-04-24 23:38:52] [thread 1: 225443840 hashes, 44376175 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:38:55] 54.0 C F: 85%(-1RPM) E: 775MHz M: 1000Mhz V: 1.100V A: 99% P: 0%
[2012-04-24 23:38:57] [thread 0: 225443840 hashes, 44376175 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:38:57] (5s):80.2 (avg):78.6 Mh/s | Q:3 A:0 R:0 HW:0 E:0% U:0.00/m
[2012-04-24 23:38:57] [thread 1: 225443840 hashes, 44376167 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:38:58] 54.5 C F: 85%(-1RPM) E: 775MHz M: 1000Mhz V: 1.100V A: 99% P: 0%
[2012-04-24 23:39:01] 55.0 C F: 85%(-1RPM) E: 775MHz M: 1000Mhz V: 1.100V A: 99% P: 0%
[2012-04-24 23:39:02] [thread 0: 225443840 hashes, 44411143 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:39:02] (5s):83.4 (avg):80.6 Mh/s | Q:3 A:0 R:0 HW:0 E:0% U:0.00/m
[2012-04-24 23:39:02] [thread 1: 225443840 hashes, 44419893 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:39:04] 55.0 C F: 85%(-1RPM) E: 775MHz M: 1000Mhz V: 1.100V A: 99% P: 0%
[2012-04-24 23:39:07] 55.0 C F: 85%(-1RPM) E: 775MHz M: 1000Mhz V: 1.100V A: 99% P: 0%
[2012-04-24 23:39:07] [thread 0: 225443840 hashes, 44428638 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:39:07] (5s):85.4 (avg):82.0 Mh/s | Q:3 A:0 R:0 HW:0 E:0% U:0.00/m
[2012-04-24 23:39:07] [thread 1: 225443840 hashes, 44419884 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:39:10] 55.5 C F: 85%(-1RPM) E: 775MHz M: 1000Mhz V: 1.100V A: 99% P: 0%
[2012-04-24 23:39:12] [thread 0: 225443840 hashes, 44419893 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:39:12] (5s):86.6 (avg):83.0 Mh/s | Q:3 A:0 R:0 HW:0 E:0% U:0.00/m
[2012-04-24 23:39:13] [thread 1: 225443840 hashes, 44419893 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:39:13] 55.5 C F: 85%(-1RPM) E: 775MHz M: 1000Mhz V: 1.100V A: 99% P: 0%
[2012-04-24 23:39:16] 55.5 C F: 85%(-1RPM) E: 775MHz M: 1000Mhz V: 1.100V A: 99% P: 0%
[2012-04-24 23:39:17] [thread 0: 224395264 hashes, 44300576 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:39:17] (5s):87.4 (avg):83.7 Mh/s | Q:3 A:0 R:0 HW:0 E:0% U:0.00/m
[2012-04-24 23:39:18] [thread 1: 225443840 hashes, 44297691 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:39:18] Queueing getwork request to work thread
[2012-04-24 23:39:18] Popping work to work thread
[2012-04-24 23:39:18] DBG: sending get RPC call: {"method": "getwork", "params": [], "id":0}
[2012-04-24 23:39:18] JSON protocol request:
{"method": "getwork", "params": [], "id":0}
[2012-04-24 23:39:18] HTTP hdr(Server): nginx/1.0.14
[2012-04-24 23:39:18] HTTP hdr(Date): Tue, 24 Apr 2012 21:44:34 GMT
[2012-04-24 23:39:18] HTTP hdr(Content-Type): application/json; charset=utf-8
[2012-04-24 23:39:18] HTTP hdr(Connection): keep-alive
[2012-04-24 23:39:18] HTTP hdr(X-Host-List): [{"host":"","port":8332,"ttr":0},{"host":"","port":8332,"ttr":10}]
[2012-04-24 23:39:18] HTTP hdr(Expires): Tue, 24 Apr 2012 21:39:24 UTC
[2012-04-24 23:39:18] HTTP hdr(Content-Length): 593
[2012-04-24 23:39:18] HTTP hdr(Cache-Control): no-cache, private, no-store
[2012-04-24 23:39:18] HTTP hdr(Pragma): no-cache
[2012-04-24 23:39:18] HTTP hdr(X-Long-Polling): /listenChannel
[2012-04-24 23:39:18] HTTP hdr(X-Lift-Version): 2.3
[2012-04-24 23:39:18] JSON protocol response:
"error": null,
"result": {
"target": "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff00000000",
"midstate": "c1eeac999692e6eff0ca241b3bb0138165e4a67513de060d1b61ddaa8a779a66",
"hash1": "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000",
"data": "00000001a3f1c737ea5700a1072b93f0d0d0039abeef2a78198df1f40000082c000000001a6cebdee0d9029ac574b8dc2207cc09ebca7e322d0d93f2545b83eab6b7d4754f971d7d1a0aa1e300000000000000800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000080020000"
"id": "0"
[2012-04-24 23:39:18] Pushing work to requesting thread
[2012-04-24 23:39:18] Pushing work to getwork queue
[2012-04-24 23:39:18] Popping work to stage thread
[2012-04-24 23:39:19] 55.5 C F: 85%(-1RPM) E: 775MHz M: 1000Mhz V: 1.100V A: 99% P: 0%
[2012-04-24 23:39:22] 56.0 C F: 85%(-1RPM) E: 775MHz M: 1000Mhz V: 1.100V A: 99% P: 0%
[2012-04-24 23:39:22] [thread 0: 214958080 hashes, 42597268 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:39:22] (5s):87.4 (avg):84.1 Mh/s | Q:4 A:0 R:0 HW:0 E:0% U:0.00/m
[2012-04-24 23:39:23] [thread 1: 214958080 hashes, 42521423 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:39:25] 56.5 C F: 85%(-1RPM) E: 775MHz M: 1000Mhz V: 1.100V A: 99% P: 0%
[2012-04-24 23:39:27] [thread 0: 216006656 hashes, 42754216 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:39:27] (5s):86.6 (avg):84.2 Mh/s | Q:4 A:0 R:0 HW:0 E:0% U:0.00/m
[2012-04-24 23:39:28] [thread 1: 216006656 hashes, 42695062 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:39:28] 56.5 C F: 85%(-1RPM) E: 775MHz M: 1000Mhz V: 1.100V A: 99% P: 0%
[2012-04-24 23:39:31] 57.0 C F: 85%(-1RPM) E: 775MHz M: 1000Mhz V: 1.100V A: 99% P: 0%
[2012-04-24 23:39:32] [thread 0: 221249536 hashes, 43610662 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:39:32] (5s):86.5 (avg):84.4 Mh/s | Q:4 A:0 R:0 HW:0 E:0% U:0.00/m
[2012-04-24 23:39:33] [thread 1: 220200960 hashes, 43714180 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:39:34] 56.5 C F: 85%(-1RPM) E: 775MHz M: 1000Mhz V: 1.100V A: 99% P: 0%
[2012-04-24 23:39:37] Popping work from get queue to get work
[2012-04-24 23:39:37] Discarded work
[2012-04-24 23:39:37] Queueing getwork request to work thread
[2012-04-24 23:39:37] Popping work from get queue to get work
[2012-04-24 23:39:37] Popping work to work thread
[2012-04-24 23:39:37] DBG: sending get RPC call: {"method": "getwork", "params": [], "id":0}
[2012-04-24 23:39:37] JSON protocol request:
{"method": "getwork", "params": [], "id":0}
[2012-04-24 23:39:37] Popping work from get queue to get work
[2012-04-24 23:39:37] HTTP hdr(Server): nginx/1.0.14
[2012-04-24 23:39:37] HTTP hdr(Date): Tue, 24 Apr 2012 21:44:53 GMT
[2012-04-24 23:39:37] HTTP hdr(Content-Type): application/json; charset=utf-8
[2012-04-24 23:39:37] HTTP hdr(Connection): keep-alive
[2012-04-24 23:39:37] HTTP hdr(X-Host-List): [{"host":"","port":8332,"ttr":0},{"host":"","port":8332,"ttr":10}]
[2012-04-24 23:39:37] HTTP hdr(Expires): Tue, 24 Apr 2012 21:39:42 UTC
[2012-04-24 23:39:37] HTTP hdr(Content-Length): 593
[2012-04-24 23:39:37] HTTP hdr(Cache-Control): no-cache, private, no-store
[2012-04-24 23:39:37] HTTP hdr(Pragma): no-cache
[2012-04-24 23:39:37] HTTP hdr(X-Long-Polling): /listenChannel
[2012-04-24 23:39:37] HTTP hdr(X-Lift-Version): 2.3
[2012-04-24 23:39:37] JSON protocol response:
"error": null,
"result": {
"target": "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff00000000",
"midstate": "34de52f3cfb8fd4e8323a3a881d0df1378980cc7a2c17581b2b5ab87dbd47f5c",
"hash1": "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000",
"data": "00000001a3f1c737ea5700a1072b93f0d0d0039abeef2a78198df1f40000082c00000000e45a4d0d01b48362696088b5277b75d054013bec948dcb0ba647af5947e6c3be4f971d901a0aa1e300000000000000800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000080020000"
"id": "0"
[2012-04-24 23:39:37] Pushing work to requesting thread
[2012-04-24 23:39:37] Pushing work to getwork queue
[2012-04-24 23:39:37] Popping work to stage thread
[2012-04-24 23:39:37] Queueing getwork request to work thread
[2012-04-24 23:39:37] Popping work to work thread
[2012-04-24 23:39:37] DBG: sending get RPC call: {"method": "getwork", "params": [], "id":0}
[2012-04-24 23:39:37] JSON protocol request:
{"method": "getwork", "params": [], "id":0}
[2012-04-24 23:39:37] 57.0 C F: 85%(-1RPM) E: 775MHz M: 1000Mhz V: 1.100V A: 99% P: 0%
[2012-04-24 23:39:37] HTTP hdr(Server): nginx/1.0.14
[2012-04-24 23:39:37] HTTP hdr(Date): Tue, 24 Apr 2012 21:44:53 GMT
[2012-04-24 23:39:37] HTTP hdr(Content-Type): application/json; charset=utf-8
[2012-04-24 23:39:37] HTTP hdr(Connection): keep-alive
[2012-04-24 23:39:37] HTTP hdr(X-Host-List): [{"host":"","port":8332,"ttr":0},{"host":"","port":8332,"ttr":10}]
[2012-04-24 23:39:37] HTTP hdr(Expires): Tue, 24 Apr 2012 21:39:43 UTC
[2012-04-24 23:39:37] HTTP hdr(Content-Length): 593
[2012-04-24 23:39:37] HTTP hdr(Cache-Control): no-cache, private, no-store
[2012-04-24 23:39:37] HTTP hdr(Pragma): no-cache
[2012-04-24 23:39:37] HTTP hdr(X-Long-Polling): /listenChannel
[2012-04-24 23:39:37] HTTP hdr(X-Lift-Version): 2.3
[2012-04-24 23:39:37] JSON protocol response:
"error": null,
"result": {
"target": "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff00000000",
"midstate": "2483efc60868e3aede49c52d1192b437c01968f6900777087662ea4240484656",
"hash1": "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000",
"data": "00000001a3f1c737ea5700a1072b93f0d0d0039abeef2a78198df1f40000082c00000000900a166d2bbb75ae7dd44eef7858ad4fe89b8534191362d2193d147e9cad32854f971d901a0aa1e300000000000000800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000080020000"
"id": "0"
[2012-04-24 23:39:37] Pushing work to requesting thread
[2012-04-24 23:39:37] Pushing work to getwork queue
[2012-04-24 23:39:37] Popping work to stage thread
[2012-04-24 23:39:38] [thread 0: 227540992 hashes, 44841928 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:39:38] (5s):87.1 (avg):84.7 Mh/s | Q:6 A:0 R:0 HW:0 E:0% U:0.00/m
[2012-04-24 23:39:38] [thread 1: 223346688 hashes, 42808881 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:39:40] 57.0 C F: 85%(-1RPM) E: 775MHz M: 1000Mhz V: 1.100V A: 99% P: 0%
[2012-04-24 23:39:43] [thread 0: 222298112 hashes, 43886560 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:39:43] (5s):87.4 (avg):85.0 Mh/s | Q:6 A:0 R:0 HW:0 E:0% U:0.00/m
[2012-04-24 23:39:43] 57.5 C F: 85%(-1RPM) E: 775MHz M: 1000Mhz V: 1.100V A: 99% P: 0%
[2012-04-24 23:39:43] [thread 1: 222298112 hashes, 43860575 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:39:46] 57.5 C F: 85%(-1RPM) E: 775MHz M: 1000Mhz V: 1.100V A: 99% P: 0%
[2012-04-24 23:39:48] [thread 0: 221249536 hashes, 43757288 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:39:48] (5s):87.5 (avg):85.2 Mh/s | Q:6 A:0 R:0 HW:0 E:0% U:0.00/m
[2012-04-24 23:39:48] [thread 1: 221249536 hashes, 43739995 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:39:49] 57.5 C F: 85%(-1RPM) E: 775MHz M: 1000Mhz V: 1.100V A: 99% P: 0%
[2012-04-24 23:39:52] 58.0 C F: 85%(-1RPM) E: 775MHz M: 1000Mhz V: 1.100V A: 99% P: 0%
[2012-04-24 23:39:53] [thread 0: 222298112 hashes, 44086754 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:39:53] (5s):87.7 (avg):85.4 Mh/s | Q:6 A:0 R:0 HW:0 E:0% U:0.00/m
[2012-04-24 23:39:53] [thread 1: 224395264 hashes, 44169766 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:39:55] 57.5 C F: 85%(-1RPM) E: 775MHz M: 1000Mhz V: 1.100V A: 99% P: 0%
[2012-04-24 23:39:58] [thread 0: 224395264 hashes, 44152384 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:39:58] (5s):87.9 (avg):85.5 Mh/s | Q:6 A:0 R:0 HW:0 E:0% U:0.00/m
[2012-04-24 23:39:58] 58.0 C F: 85%(-1RPM) E: 775MHz M: 1000Mhz V: 1.100V A: 99% P: 0%
[2012-04-24 23:39:58] [thread 1: 224395264 hashes, 44143698 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:40:01] 58.5 C F: 85%(-1RPM) E: 775MHz M: 1000Mhz V: 1.100V A: 99% P: 0%
[2012-04-24 23:40:03] [thread 0: 221249536 hashes, 43913634 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:40:03] (5s):88.1 (avg):85.7 Mh/s | Q:6 A:0 R:0 HW:0 E:0% U:0.00/m
[2012-04-24 23:40:03] [thread 1: 219152384 hashes, 43549262 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:40:04] 58.0 C F: 85%(-1RPM) E: 775MHz M: 1000Mhz V: 1.100V A: 99% P: 0%
[2012-04-24 23:40:07] 58.5 C F: 85%(-1RPM) E: 775MHz M: 1000Mhz V: 1.100V A: 99% P: 0%
[2012-04-24 23:40:08] [thread 0: 219152384 hashes, 43437041 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:40:08] (5s):87.7 (avg):85.8 Mh/s | Q:6 A:0 R:0 HW:0 E:0% U:0.00/m
[2012-04-24 23:40:08] [thread 1: 220200960 hashes, 43792432 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:40:10] 59.0 C F: 85%(-1RPM) E: 775MHz M: 1000Mhz V: 1.100V A: 99% P: 0%
[2012-04-24 23:40:13] (5s):59.9 (avg):83.6 Mh/s | Q:6 A:0 R:0 HW:0 E:0% U:0.00/m
[2012-04-24 23:40:13] 58.5 C F: 85%(-1RPM) E: 775MHz M: 1000Mhz V: 1.100V A: 99% P: 0%
[2012-04-24 23:40:13] [thread 0: 219152384 hashes, 43506018 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:40:13] [thread 1: 219152384 hashes, 43506026 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:40:16] 59.0 C F: 85%(-1RPM) E: 775MHz M: 1000Mhz V: 1.100V A: 99% P: 0%
[2012-04-24 23:40:18] Queueing getwork request to work thread
[2012-04-24 23:40:18] Popping work from get queue to get work
[2012-04-24 23:40:18] Popping work to work thread
[2012-04-24 23:40:18] DBG: sending get RPC call: {"method": "getwork", "params": [], "id":0}
[2012-04-24 23:40:18] JSON protocol request:
{"method": "getwork", "params": [], "id":0}
[2012-04-24 23:40:18] HTTP hdr(Server): nginx/1.0.14
[2012-04-24 23:40:18] HTTP hdr(Date): Tue, 24 Apr 2012 21:45:34 GMT
[2012-04-24 23:40:18] HTTP hdr(Content-Type): application/json; charset=utf-8
[2012-04-24 23:40:18] HTTP hdr(Connection): keep-alive
[2012-04-24 23:40:18] HTTP hdr(X-Host-List): [{"host":"","port":8332,"ttr":0},{"host":"","port":8332,"ttr":10}]
[2012-04-24 23:40:18] HTTP hdr(Expires): Tue, 24 Apr 2012 21:40:23 UTC
[2012-04-24 23:40:18] HTTP hdr(Content-Length): 593
[2012-04-24 23:40:18] HTTP hdr(Cache-Control): no-cache, private, no-store
[2012-04-24 23:40:18] HTTP hdr(Pragma): no-cache
[2012-04-24 23:40:18] HTTP hdr(X-Long-Polling): /listenChannel
[2012-04-24 23:40:18] HTTP hdr(X-Lift-Version): 2.3
[2012-04-24 23:40:18] JSON protocol response:
"error": null,
"result": {
"target": "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff00000000",
"midstate": "24c382db8c72569778fa36f2842ea9503eb250d30a432bf222164d9b6a85abd2",
"hash1": "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000",
"data": "00000001a3f1c737ea5700a1072b93f0d0d0039abeef2a78198df1f40000082c00000000436f970c4e2d8c983462e37d1d596ff5b47ae39ed12fa93cb564ca29e03e97f74f971db91a0aa1e300000000000000800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000080020000"
"id": "0"
[2012-04-24 23:40:18] Pushing work to requesting thread
[2012-04-24 23:40:18] Pushing work to getwork queue
[2012-04-24 23:40:18] Popping work to stage thread
[2012-04-24 23:40:18] Queueing getwork request to work thread
[2012-04-24 23:40:18] Popping work to work thread
[2012-04-24 23:40:18] DBG: sending get RPC call: {"method": "getwork", "params": [], "id":0}
[2012-04-24 23:40:18] JSON protocol request:
{"method": "getwork", "params": [], "id":0}
[2012-04-24 23:40:18] HTTP hdr(Server): nginx/1.0.14
[2012-04-24 23:40:18] HTTP hdr(Date): Tue, 24 Apr 2012 21:45:34 GMT
[2012-04-24 23:40:18] HTTP hdr(Content-Type): application/json; charset=utf-8
[2012-04-24 23:40:18] HTTP hdr(Connection): keep-alive
[2012-04-24 23:40:18] HTTP hdr(X-Host-List): [{"host":"","port":8332,"ttr":0},{"host":"","port":8332,"ttr":10}]
[2012-04-24 23:40:18] HTTP hdr(Expires): Tue, 24 Apr 2012 21:40:23 UTC
[2012-04-24 23:40:18] HTTP hdr(Content-Length): 593
[2012-04-24 23:40:18] HTTP hdr(Cache-Control): no-cache, private, no-store
[2012-04-24 23:40:18] HTTP hdr(Pragma): no-cache
[2012-04-24 23:40:18] HTTP hdr(X-Long-Polling): /listenChannel
[2012-04-24 23:40:18] HTTP hdr(X-Lift-Version): 2.3
[2012-04-24 23:40:18] JSON protocol response:
"error": null,
"result": {
"target": "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff00000000",
"midstate": "53af2c6670ae57e28680b9376663a62a11bb20248c333495d0a03629e81f6e7c",
"hash1": "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000",
"data": "00000001a3f1c737ea5700a1072b93f0d0d0039abeef2a78198df1f40000082c00000000270f4e2ef5bfa95c49af0f27124d8dac907daf43eefe821b912511392f8cbd404f971db91a0aa1e300000000000000800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000080020000"
"id": "0"
[2012-04-24 23:40:18] Pushing work to requesting thread
[2012-04-24 23:40:18] Pushing work to getwork queue
[2012-04-24 23:40:18] Popping work to stage thread
[2012-04-24 23:40:18] [thread 0: 222298112 hashes, 43825986 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:40:18] (5s):104.3 (avg):85.9 Mh/s | Q:8 A:0 R:0 HW:0 E:0% U:0.00/m
[2012-04-24 23:40:18] [thread 1: 222298112 hashes, 43800081 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:40:19] 59.0 C F: 85%(-1RPM) E: 775MHz M: 1000Mhz V: 1.100V A: 99% P: 0%
[2012-04-24 23:40:22] 59.5 C F: 85%(-1RPM) E: 775MHz M: 1000Mhz V: 1.100V A: 99% P: 0%
[2012-04-24 23:40:23] [thread 0: 220200960 hashes, 43412534 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:40:23] (5s):98.0 (avg):86.0 Mh/s | Q:8 A:0 R:0 HW:0 E:0% U:0.00/m
[2012-04-24 23:40:23] [thread 1: 219152384 hashes, 43462876 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:40:25] 59.5 C F: 85%(-1RPM) E: 775MHz M: 1000Mhz V: 1.100V A: 99% P: 0%
[2012-04-24 23:40:28] 59.5 C F: 85%(-1RPM) E: 775MHz M: 1000Mhz V: 1.100V A: 99% P: 0%
[2012-04-24 23:40:28] [thread 0: 223346688 hashes, 43998016 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:40:28] (5s):94.0 (avg):86.0 Mh/s | Q:8 A:0 R:0 HW:0 E:0% U:0.00/m
[2012-04-24 23:40:29] [thread 1: 223346688 hashes, 43963374 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:40:31] 60.0 C F: 85%(-1RPM) E: 775MHz M: 1000Mhz V: 1.100V A: 99% P: 0%
[2012-04-24 23:40:33] [thread 0: 220200960 hashes, 43506885 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:40:33] (5s):91.7 (avg):86.1 Mh/s | Q:8 A:0 R:0 HW:0 E:0% U:0.00/m
[2012-04-24 23:40:34] [thread 1: 219152384 hashes, 43437033 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:40:34] 60.0 C F: 85%(-1RPM) E: 775MHz M: 1000Mhz V: 1.100V A: 99% P: 0%
[2012-04-24 23:40:37] Popping work from get queue to get work
[2012-04-24 23:40:37] Queueing getwork request to work thread
[2012-04-24 23:40:37] Popping work from get queue to get work
[2012-04-24 23:40:37] Popping work to work thread
[2012-04-24 23:40:37] DBG: sending get RPC call: {"method": "getwork", "params": [], "id":0}
[2012-04-24 23:40:37] JSON protocol request:
{"method": "getwork", "params": [], "id":0}
[2012-04-24 23:40:37] 60.0 C F: 85%(-1RPM) E: 775MHz M: 1000Mhz V: 1.100V A: 99% P: 0%
[2012-04-24 23:40:37] HTTP hdr(Server): nginx/1.0.14
[2012-04-24 23:40:37] HTTP hdr(Date): Tue, 24 Apr 2012 21:45:53 GMT
[2012-04-24 23:40:37] HTTP hdr(Content-Type): application/json; charset=utf-8
[2012-04-24 23:40:37] HTTP hdr(Connection): keep-alive
[2012-04-24 23:40:37] HTTP hdr(X-Host-List): [{"host":"","port":8332,"ttr":0},{"host":"","port":8332,"ttr":10}]
[2012-04-24 23:40:37] HTTP hdr(Expires): Tue, 24 Apr 2012 21:40:43 UTC
[2012-04-24 23:40:37] HTTP hdr(Content-Length): 593
[2012-04-24 23:40:37] HTTP hdr(Cache-Control): no-cache, private, no-store
[2012-04-24 23:40:37] HTTP hdr(Pragma): no-cache
[2012-04-24 23:40:37] HTTP hdr(X-Long-Polling): /listenChannel
[2012-04-24 23:40:37] HTTP hdr(X-Lift-Version): 2.3
[2012-04-24 23:40:37] JSON protocol response:
"error": null,
"result": {
"target": "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff00000000",
"midstate": "2437d52537f5fec23196d3fe757235274bc5cc13bef3b7c90d33dcb9bf82fe4b",
"hash1": "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000",
"data": "00000001a3f1c737ea5700a1072b93f0d0d0039abeef2a78198df1f40000082c00000000277d9299357ec5fca5f4a5b4d13fc992ee2a2872b699ece7af5b4aa92350a2644f971dcc1a0aa1e300000000000000800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000080020000"
"id": "0"
[2012-04-24 23:40:37] Pushing work to requesting thread
[2012-04-24 23:40:37] Pushing work to getwork queue
[2012-04-24 23:40:37] Popping work to stage thread
[2012-04-24 23:40:38] [thread 0: 217055232 hashes, 42657787 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:40:38] (5s):89.5 (avg):86.1 Mh/s | Q:9 A:0 R:0 HW:0 E:0% U:0.00/m
[2012-04-24 23:40:39] [thread 1: 217055232 hashes, 42666172 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:40:40] 60.0 C F: 85%(-1RPM) E: 775MHz M: 1000Mhz V: 1.100V A: 99% P: 0%
[2012-04-24 23:40:43] 60.0 C F: 85%(-1RPM) E: 775MHz M: 1000Mhz V: 1.100V A: 99% P: 0%
[2012-04-24 23:40:43] [thread 0: 222298112 hashes, 44016909 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:40:43] (5s):88.6 (avg):86.1 Mh/s | Q:9 A:0 R:0 HW:0 E:0% U:0.00/m
[2012-04-24 23:40:44] [thread 1: 222298112 hashes, 43877889 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:40:46] 60.0 C F: 85%(-1RPM) E: 775MHz M: 1000Mhz V: 1.100V A: 99% P: 0%
[2012-04-24 23:40:48] [thread 0: 224395264 hashes, 44161082 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:40:48] (5s):88.3 (avg):86.2 Mh/s | Q:9 A:0 R:0 HW:0 E:0% U:0.00/m
[2012-04-24 23:40:49] [thread 1: 224395264 hashes, 44178471 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:40:49] 60.5 C F: 85%(-1RPM) E: 775MHz M: 1000Mhz V: 1.100V A: 99% P: 0%
[2012-04-24 23:40:52] 60.5 C F: 85%(-1RPM) E: 775MHz M: 1000Mhz V: 1.100V A: 99% P: 0%
[2012-04-24 23:40:53] [thread 0: 225443840 hashes, 44402387 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:40:53] (5s):88.4 (avg):86.3 Mh/s | Q:9 A:0 R:0 HW:0 E:0% U:0.00/m
[2012-04-24 23:40:54] [thread 1: 225443840 hashes, 44402387 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:40:55] 60.5 C F: 85%(-1RPM) E: 775MHz M: 1000Mhz V: 1.100V A: 99% P: 0%
[2012-04-24 23:40:58] 60.5 C F: 85%(-1RPM) E: 775MHz M: 1000Mhz V: 1.100V A: 99% P: 0%
[2012-04-24 23:40:59] [thread 0: 225443840 hashes, 44402396 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:40:59] (5s):88.6 (avg):86.4 Mh/s | Q:9 A:0 R:0 HW:0 E:0% U:0.00/m
[2012-04-24 23:40:59] [thread 1: 225443840 hashes, 44411143 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:41:01] 61.0 C F: 85%(-1RPM) E: 775MHz M: 1000Mhz V: 1.100V A: 99% P: 0%
[2012-04-24 23:41:04] [thread 0: 225443840 hashes, 44419893 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:41:04] (5s):88.7 (avg):86.5 Mh/s | Q:9 A:0 R:0 HW:0 E:0% U:0.00/m
[2012-04-24 23:41:04] 61.0 C F: 85%(-1RPM) E: 775MHz M: 1000Mhz V: 1.100V A: 99% P: 0%
[2012-04-24 23:41:04] [thread 1: 225443840 hashes, 44393652 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:41:07] 61.0 C F: 85%(-1RPM) E: 775MHz M: 1000Mhz V: 1.100V A: 99% P: 0%
[2012-04-24 23:41:09] [thread 0: 225443840 hashes, 44393643 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:41:09] (5s):88.7 (avg):86.5 Mh/s | Q:9 A:0 R:0 HW:0 E:0% U:0.00/m
[2012-04-24 23:41:09] [thread 1: 225443840 hashes, 44419884 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:41:10] 61.0 C F: 85%(-1RPM) E: 775MHz M: 1000Mhz V: 1.100V A: 99% P: 0%
[2012-04-24 23:41:13] 61.0 C F: 85%(-1RPM) E: 775MHz M: 1000Mhz V: 1.100V A: 99% P: 0%
[2012-04-24 23:41:14] [thread 0: 225443840 hashes, 44402396 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:41:14] (5s):88.7 (avg):86.6 Mh/s | Q:9 A:0 R:0 HW:0 E:0% U:0.00/m
[2012-04-24 23:41:14] [thread 1: 225443840 hashes, 44402396 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:41:16] 61.5 C F: 85%(-1RPM) E: 775MHz M: 1000Mhz V: 1.100V A: 99% P: 0%
[2012-04-24 23:41:18] Queueing getwork request to work thread
[2012-04-24 23:41:18] Popping work from get queue to get work
[2012-04-24 23:41:18] Popping work to work thread
[2012-04-24 23:41:18] DBG: sending get RPC call: {"method": "getwork", "params": [], "id":0}
[2012-04-24 23:41:18] JSON protocol request:
{"method": "getwork", "params": [], "id":0}
[2012-04-24 23:41:18] Queueing getwork request to work thread
[2012-04-24 23:41:18] Popping work from get queue to get work
[2012-04-24 23:41:18] Popping work to work thread
[2012-04-24 23:41:18] DBG: sending get RPC call: {"method": "getwork", "params": [], "id":0}
[2012-04-24 23:41:18] JSON protocol request:
{"method": "getwork", "params": [], "id":0}
[2012-04-24 23:41:18] HTTP hdr(Server): nginx/1.0.14
[2012-04-24 23:41:18] HTTP hdr(Date): Tue, 24 Apr 2012 21:46:34 GMT
[2012-04-24 23:41:18] HTTP hdr(Content-Type): application/json; charset=utf-8
[2012-04-24 23:41:18] HTTP hdr(Connection): keep-alive
[2012-04-24 23:41:18] HTTP hdr(X-Host-List): [{"host":"","port":8332,"ttr":0},{"host":"","port":8332,"ttr":10}]
[2012-04-24 23:41:18] HTTP hdr(Expires): Tue, 24 Apr 2012 21:41:23 UTC
[2012-04-24 23:41:18] HTTP hdr(Content-Length): 593
[2012-04-24 23:41:18] HTTP hdr(Cache-Control): no-cache, private, no-store
[2012-04-24 23:41:18] HTTP hdr(Pragma): no-cache
[2012-04-24 23:41:18] HTTP hdr(X-Long-Polling): /listenChannel
[2012-04-24 23:41:18] HTTP hdr(X-Lift-Version): 2.3
[2012-04-24 23:41:18] JSON protocol response:
"error": null,
"result": {
"target": "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff00000000",
"midstate": "1184c16c3e28add127fcbcfdf17d22b28ce94892f6531761a8d2bc51894a398f",
"hash1": "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000",
"data": "00000001a3f1c737ea5700a1072b93f0d0d0039abeef2a78198df1f40000082c0000000011316078d717971c40dcd02d174b15732ec1cc3c045a044461ae0654b8ffcf584f971df51a0aa1e300000000000000800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000080020000"
"id": "0"
[2012-04-24 23:41:18] Pushing work to requesting thread
[2012-04-24 23:41:18] Pushing work to getwork queue
[2012-04-24 23:41:18] Popping work to stage thread
[2012-04-24 23:41:18] HTTP hdr(Server): nginx/1.0.14
[2012-04-24 23:41:18] HTTP hdr(Date): Tue, 24 Apr 2012 21:46:34 GMT
[2012-04-24 23:41:18] HTTP hdr(Content-Type): application/json; charset=utf-8
[2012-04-24 23:41:18] HTTP hdr(Connection): keep-alive
[2012-04-24 23:41:18] HTTP hdr(X-Host-List): [{"host":"","port":8332,"ttr":0},{"host":"","port":8332,"ttr":10}]
[2012-04-24 23:41:18] HTTP hdr(Expires): Tue, 24 Apr 2012 21:41:23 UTC
[2012-04-24 23:41:18] HTTP hdr(Content-Length): 593
[2012-04-24 23:41:18] HTTP hdr(Cache-Control): no-cache, private, no-store
[2012-04-24 23:41:18] HTTP hdr(Pragma): no-cache
[2012-04-24 23:41:18] HTTP hdr(X-Long-Polling): /listenChannel
[2012-04-24 23:41:18] HTTP hdr(X-Lift-Version): 2.3
[2012-04-24 23:41:18] JSON protocol response:
"error": null,
"result": {
"target": "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff00000000",
"midstate": "ac26989b6f5ce8b9cea087d78c15c573f3c1c91b21b34db47e8fcf31f9cabbac",
"hash1": "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000",
"data": "00000001a3f1c737ea5700a1072b93f0d0d0039abeef2a78198df1f40000082c00000000de72a855bdaa0dbbf2bfb55dca86f973fe3967ed256c1abd67a3e26be0af23094f971df51a0aa1e300000000000000800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000080020000"
"id": "0"
[2012-04-24 23:41:18] Pushing work to requesting thread
[2012-04-24 23:41:18] Pushing work to getwork queue
[2012-04-24 23:41:18] Popping work to stage thread
[2012-04-24 23:41:19] [thread 0: 233832448 hashes, 45936951 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:41:19] (5s):89.3 (avg):86.7 Mh/s | Q:11 A:0 R:0 HW:0 E:0% U:0.00/m
[2012-04-24 23:41:19] 61.0 C F: 85%(-1RPM) E: 775MHz M: 1000Mhz V: 1.100V A: 99% P: 0%
[2012-04-24 23:41:20] [thread 1: 226492416 hashes, 42885716 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:41:22] 61.0 C F: 85%(-1RPM) E: 775MHz M: 1000Mhz V: 1.100V A: 99% P: 0%
[2012-04-24 23:41:24] [thread 0: 225443840 hashes, 44411134 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:41:24] (5s):89.2 (avg):86.8 Mh/s | Q:11 A:0 R:0 HW:0 E:0% U:0.00/m
[2012-04-24 23:41:25] [thread 1: 225443840 hashes, 44428647 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:41:25] 61.5 C F: 85%(-1RPM) E: 775MHz M: 1000Mhz V: 1.100V A: 99% P: 0%
[2012-04-24 23:41:28] 61.5 C F: 85%(-1RPM) E: 775MHz M: 1000Mhz V: 1.100V A: 99% P: 0%
[2012-04-24 23:41:29] [thread 0: 225443840 hashes, 44384912 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:41:29] (5s):89.0 (avg):86.8 Mh/s | Q:11 A:0 R:0 HW:0 E:0% U:0.00/m
[2012-04-24 23:41:30] [thread 1: 225443840 hashes, 44384903 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:41:31] 62.0 C F: 85%(-1RPM) E: 775MHz M: 1000Mhz V: 1.100V A: 99% P: 0%
[2012-04-24 23:41:34] (5s):61.2 (avg):85.7 Mh/s | Q:11 A:0 R:0 HW:0 E:0% U:0.00/m
[2012-04-24 23:41:34] 62.0 C F: 85%(-1RPM) E: 775MHz M: 1000Mhz V: 1.100V A: 99% P: 0%
[2012-04-24 23:41:34] [thread 0: 225443840 hashes, 44411134 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:41:35] [thread 1: 225443840 hashes, 44411143 khash/sec]
[2012-04-24 23:41:37] Queueing getwork request to work thread
[2012-04-24 23:41:37] Popping work from get queue to get work
[2012-04-24 23:41:37] Popping work to work thread
[2012-04-24 23:41:37] DBG: sending get RPC call: {"method": "getwork", "params": [], "id":0}
[2012-04-24 23:41:37] JSON protocol request:
{"method": "getwork", "params": [], "id":0}
[2012-04-24 23:41:37] HTTP hdr(Server): nginx/1.0.14
[2012-04-24 23:41:37] HTTP hdr(Date): Tue, 24 Apr 2012 21:46:53 GMT
[2012-04-24 23:41:37] HTTP hdr(Content-Type): application/json; charset=utf-8
[2012-04-24 23:41:37] HTTP hdr(Connection): keep-alive
[2012-04-24 23:41:37] HTTP hdr(X-Host-List): [{"host":"","port":8332,"ttr":0},{"host":"","port":8332,"ttr":10}]
[2012-04-24 23:41:37] HTTP hdr(Expires): Tue, 24 Apr 2012 21:41:42 UTC
[2012-04-24 23:41:37] HTTP hdr(Content-Length): 593
[2012-04-24 23:41:37] HTTP hdr(Cache-Control): no-cache, private, no-store
[2012-04-24 23:41:37] HTTP hdr(Pragma): no-cache
[2012-04-24 23:41:37] HTTP hdr(X-Long-Polling): /listenChannel
[2012-04-24 23:41:37] HTTP hdr(X-Lift-Version): 2.3
[2012-04-24 23:41:37] JSON protocol response:
"error": null,
"result": {
"target": "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff00000000",
"midstate": "37e85300a456e6cd829e24ca1b17f0cd7f4dcc687b74ea449c6cbb407e882484",
"hash1": "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000",
"data": "00000001a3f1c737ea5700a1072b93f0d0d0039abeef2a78198df1f40000082c00000000cbbe95efe73f507536017b0c3a887af9f78d67467a5d9a0b78157281d9517c594f971e081a0aa1e300000000000000800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000080020000"
"id": "0"
[2012-04-24 23:41:37] Pushing work to requesting thread
[2012-04-24 23:41:37] Pushing work to getwork queue
[2012-04-24 23:41:37] Popping work to stage thread
[2012-04-24 23:41:37] 62.0 C F: 85%(-1RPM) E: 775MHz M: 1000Mhz V: 1.100V A: 99% P: 0%
[2012-04-24 23:41:37] Received kill message
[2012-04-24 23:41:37] Killing off watchpool thread
[2012-04-24 23:41:37] Killing off watchdog thread
[2012-04-24 23:41:37] Stopping mining threads
[2012-04-24 23:41:38] Thread 1 being disabled
[2012-04-24 23:41:38] Popping wakeup ping in miner thread
[2012-04-24 23:41:38] Thread 0 being disabled
[2012-04-24 23:41:38] Popping wakeup ping in miner thread
[2012-04-24 23:41:38] Killing off mining threads
[2012-04-24 23:41:38] Killing off stage thread
[2012-04-24 23:41:38] Killing off longpoll thread
[2012-04-24 23:41:38] Killing off API thread
[2012-04-24 23:41:38]
Summary of runtime statistics:
[2012-04-24 23:41:38] Started at [2012-04-24 23:38:37]
[2012-04-24 23:41:38] Pool:
[2012-04-24 23:41:38] Runtime: 0 hrs : 3 mins : 1 secs
[2012-04-24 23:41:38] Average hashrate: 88.2 Megahash/s
[2012-04-24 23:41:38] Solved blocks: 0
[2012-04-24 23:41:38] Queued work requests: 12
[2012-04-24 23:41:38] Share submissions: 0
[2012-04-24 23:41:38] Accepted shares: 0
[2012-04-24 23:41:38] Rejected shares: 0
[2012-04-24 23:41:38] Hardware errors: 0
[2012-04-24 23:41:38] Efficiency (accepted / queued): 0%
[2012-04-24 23:41:38] Utility (accepted shares / min): 0.00/min
[2012-04-24 23:41:38] Discarded work due to new blocks: 1
[2012-04-24 23:41:38] Stale submissions discarded due to new blocks: 0
[2012-04-24 23:41:39] Unable to get work from server occasions: 0
[2012-04-24 23:41:39] Work items generated locally: 0
[2012-04-24 23:41:39] Submitting work remotely delay occasions: 0
[2012-04-24 23:41:39] New blocks detected on network: 1
[2012-04-24 23:41:39] Summary of per device statistics:
[2012-04-24 23:41:39] GPU0 | (5s):0.0 (avg):88.2 Mh/s | A:0 R:0 HW:0 U:0.00/m I: 4
Shutdown signal received.