As for identifying noob pools. If its a pool without a familiar name I just assume its some kid setting up a pool on his home internet connection. I never touch those, do not trust them. Go with big pools that have multiple coins, have been around for a while and no complaints, lots of miners on them. These new popups could be scams. Scams everywhere.
Here is the problem. A new coins come up. It introduces a pool. Over 100 users signed up. What am i going to do now? I cant solo mine against all that hash. They will find all the blocks.
Here is the other catch now. I just had a pool with 8 other coins tell me that due to high user ratio. The pool close down and now i get a few coins. Where the pool found most of the blocks for 4 hours. What do i do now? How can i figure out whats going on. ? I feel like were are allowing this kind of scam go unnoticed.