Port Harcourt Refinery has officially commence crude oil processing,this will be a very big impact and development to the country economy challenges,however would only one refinery solve our economic challenges?...if really Government and other stakeholders work on the other refineries believe you me Nigeria will be great again,because cost of living will reduce and the prices of fuel will potentially reducing as well moreover this development is expected to bring positive growth to our economy system.
My good members of this forum what do you guys think about this?
This is like the fifth time they've said the refinery will start operating, but yet there is nothing on ground to show for it, the government should relax the idea of always rushing to the media to make announcement when they haven't done their homework.
That's serious,at times in this country you just need to be faking any information comes from Government because today they will say this tomorrow they will say that which there's no any single fact in their tongue......can you imagine the rice importation that according to information, there is a ban on importation of rice though we don't have enough to feed ourselves. It's even too expensive. Petroleum products are costly; Dangote has it in abundance yet there is no ban on its importation.
Or is it me that's not updated?