I would like to play a bit with a POS coin. It should be cheap to do POS mining. Can you recommend a coin? I started with getting ZEIT, but it obviously it takes some Zeit before POS mining is possible.
ZEIT staking requires at least 20 days , so on the 21st day you could receive a stake if your block amount has enough coins.
The Leaf on the Client turns
green , when coins are ready to mint.
1 million coins per block will stake pretty quick after the 20 days requirement is met
Hobonickel & Bottlecaps are fun coins to stake, HBN 100% per year and Bottlecaps 200% per year.
HBN earliest stake is 10 days average 15 days, if you have ~5500 coins per block.
(Wait until I get the HBN Bootstrap & Snapshot ready , otherwise you are looking at 2 or 3 weeks to sync this baby as it is very old) Bottlecaps earliest stake average 15 days if you have ~12000 coins per block.
Noblecoin average stake time is every 24 hours , if you have ~ 2 million coins per block
(Warning on Noble, it Proof of Stake is slightly different than the others , if you don't stake once a week with Noble , it will decrease your reward , and you have to send the coins back to your self to reset the higher reward rate of 8% per year.)
Supercoin can stake ~ 24 hours or so if you have 5000 coins per block. reward 5% per year
Massive Interest and inflation with these coins.
Sprouts can stake at soon as 5 days , but average 15 days if you only have a ½ million coins per block : 10% every 5 days
TurboStake can stake earliest every 2 days, but average every 5 if you have 250,000 per block. 2.74% per 2 days
Tekcoin has a high interest of 40% per month but takes minimum 30 days before stake.
Difficulty can lower rate by more than half.
Side note: HBN & Tek & Sprouts are hybrid, so PoW mining can add some % of coins to your wallets, but after some use, you will see the PoS wins hands down.
One thing alot of people have not caught onto yet , once you reach the amount of Proof of Stake coins you want of that specific one, you can always sell your stake and buy into other coins including PoW coins if so inclined, making your Proof of Stake coins a more economical miner than the ASICS.
Go here to save yourself some time syncing the coins.
Kiklo's Bootstrap.dat & Blockchain Snapshot for Proof of Stake Coins