I dont think the debit/card credit card method will ever catch on though.
Part of what makes BTC so valuable is because it's 'difficult' to get.
If everyone with a smart phone or debit card could buy it instantly it
will lose its difficulty thus making more people able to get it.
Thank you.When I talk about the bitcoin part,I mean use the bitcoins to top up a virtual debit card (like current solutions in the BTC world do) which is then turned into real money (GBP in my case) not for the buying of BTC as this'll be pointless for what I need it to do.It should be BTC to GBP use not BTC to BTC (PayPass/Paywave readers in shops can't process BTC in UK).
Bitcoins will still be 'difficult' to get (go through an exchange like Mt Gox,send real world money,convert into BTC,then send to an address).I'm talking about adding to the utility of already existing BTC in my possession not the acquiring of new ones.
I mainly propose this to avoid the whole mess I'm experiencing in UK.I thought that BTC is supposed to be a liberator from arbitrary limitations (like between rival banks/mobile phone networks/payment processors in the UK which denies me choice to spend my money however I want) which is why I proposed this.Yes we need rules but they must make sense to all of us (not the nonsense with QuickTap,O2 wallet,Google wallet,etc in the UK requiring certain handsets/SIM cards even though most NFC enabled phones with the 'secure element' could do it)
What's the situation like in the US for payments (cards,contactless-NFC,cashless,etc) as it sounds quite different from the UK to me?
Is it really true that the US still doesn't use chip and pin cards (or even contactless debit cards)?