I just cloned the electrum sources from github, and tried to run it. After installing all the python packages needed, I was able to run it.
First window was the one where I chose to create a new wallet. After creating the wallet, I was shown the main window.
At that point, I tried clicking preferences icon on the bottom right. Nothing happened. Same when I tried to open preferences from the menu.
So the preferences window won't open, but it would print this error on console:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\software\projects\clients\gits\electrum\gui\qt\main_window.py", line
2632, in settings_dialog
File "C:\software\projects\clients\gits\electrum\gui\qt\main_window.py", line
2620, in update_feeperkb
TypeError: QWidget.setEnabled(bool): argument 1 has unexpected type 'NoneType'
So if you look at the source
https://github.com/spesmilo/electrum/blob/master/gui/qt/main_window.py#L2620The error is that the return value b of the call to self.config.get() is not checked. and in this case its returning a NoneType or no value at all.
In any case, I was able to open the preferences window by either uncommenting the line 2620, or by enclosing lines 2620-23 in a if b is true statement, so that they only use b if its not a NoneType.
This is my first hour with Electrum code, so I would ask more expert hands to see what the issue is, and whether there is an issue or bug here at all.